
Is Ryan from the Real World Brooklyn on the cuter side, or the gayer side - you decide! Personally, I'd scratch both and say the "hot" side!


Here are some moving gif images of Ryan, to help you make a more educated decision:





Thanks to for gifs. Read more!

Thoughts of the Day

I remember when Fridays were good things. When Friday meant going to Chuck's and filling up on sugar and Sister Sister (oh, those Mowry sisters sure gave me toothaches!) and looking forward to a night out with mom and dad and Nati at some really nice restaurant, maybe in North Beach, maybe downtown - and then crawling onto the couch for a movie.

Saturday cartoons. My mom and I were the early risers. I'd be up by seven, she'd be up by then or shortly thereafter. Power Rangers, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs. Anything-everything-yes-please. Pancakes, maybe. Most likely beans and eggs and homemade salsa. Maybe we'd clean the house, maybe we'd go out on the town for shopping and drinks.

Sunday morning. Even lazier, even sleepier. In the winter or on cold nights we'd make the most of our fireplace. Nati and I would fight over who would go to get the next round of firewood.

Fridays are the WORST days now. Work tonight. Work tomorrow. Sometimes doubles. And I've gotten accustomed to closing on Sundays, which means I miss my favorite shows (why, VH1, WHY?!). And even if I could have weekends off again, those fireside Saturdays and sleepy Sundays are all miles and miles away now. My sister is grown up, my parents are divorced, and I don't think they really realize how I use those memories as scales to my happiness in modern times.

And I am happy. But I'm also an adult. And things aren't as seemingly forever when you grow up. Read more!

A Hopeful E-mail

I got this in my inbox when I woke up this morning. Its another promising email from those cool cats up there at UMD. I really hope I can walk in May - the only reason I wouldn't is because I'll still have 8 credits left to complete before I'll actually be done, which means I'll have to do them in the summer.

This stripper's ready to cross the stage, dammit!

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Coming soon...

I'm working on learning how to do "cuts" so that I can warn you if things might be NSFW (Not Safe For Work). I used to know how to use them, but Google is pretty useless on this. I'm tired of alienating my working friends and straight guys, but don't fret - I have you in mind, and soon you'll be able to visit my site without crotches and boobs in your face. I mean, I don't see why you wouldn't want them in your face, but I get it. Read more!

Hottie(s) of the Week!

This week, I want to be extra nice to you - lets make this week a double! (To rip off Rikki and Vikki, the Ikki twins [appropriately named]). Oh, and to quote Flavor Flav, too (why not kill two birds in one stones [can ya'll tell how much I love parentheses??]): "TWINS! I have TWINS!"








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Gyms always make me feel like a weak defenseless girly-girl. Like a Michelle Trachtenberg, only Mexican and a boy and slightly less annoying. Here I am, sitting outside of the locker room with my laptop like a fool waiting for my weight lifting class to start. Yuck. Yuck yuck yuck. There is nothing cute about this.

As I was running on the treadmill two things happened to me:
1) I realize THIS is where all the cute boys hang out.
2) I won't regret this when I'm on the Real World dancing on top of a table or in a strip club. The Real World and the strip club are mutually exclusive.

This is really sad that these are the two ideas that occurred to me as I was running. Read more!

Thoughts of the Day

So, like a stripper with a heart of gold, I realized that I need to reform. A makeover. And not like a Vivian Ward-type makeover (wait, she was a hooker? But those boots?) - a makeover on this blog, on myself. A makeover on my desire to be a writer and not just someone who posts pictures of Vh1 train-wrecks and talk about the latest news story that just so happens to appeal to me.

So, Thoughts of the Day, I beseech you - I want to pick a topic, any topic, every day, and write about it. I found that the offers some great writing prompts, but, like the blog itself, I want it to reflect me instead of someone else. My interests are varied: politics (see: anything Anderson Cooper says) to reality tv (see: anything Anderson Cooper watches [which turns out to be a lot.])

But this blog shouldn't just be me trying to entertain you with slutacious soundbytes and seductive studs and side-splitting scenes from Youtube. It should be more than that. It should be me, ranting, wild, unrelenting, unleashed on you like a Rock of Love beezy on a pole. Yes, that's what it will be. That's what I will aim for. That's what you can look forward to. That's what I attempt to achieve.

Good morning, America, a new day has arrived. Read more!

Rock of Love Bus: Episode 4

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So, my top 5 has been reduced to a top 4, with the disqualification of Maria, who mysteriously drops out because of an "illness." Yeah right! Bitch either didn't want Bret Michaels in her mouth anymore or was afraid she'd be the next to go. I'm sure I'd be sick if I were on either of those buses, too.

In any case, its a serious hit for the Latinas on Rock of Love Bus, as tequila-and-Doritos-mixing Marcia was sent home at the end of the episode. Homegirl carried the recipe for her own demise in the end, however, and its hard to feel sorry for her.

And is it just me, or does Marcia look like a Who? Or the Grinch?

How long before the last two minorities, Natasha and Brittanya go home? Only time will tell!

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Scene Kid Love: Episode 3

This is a pretty entertaining video done by some random kids (in the boonies somewhere, undoubtedly.) I really appreciate the creativity of kids, especially these days, when Disney sitcoms are about as racy as "Friends" was when I was growing up. The kids are alright.

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25 Annoying Things About Me

Editorial Note: This was something I did on Facebook, but the same rules apply - if you want, copy and paste in a comment, then on your own blog...


The directions are to list 25 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you.

At the end choose 25 people to be tagged.

You also must tag the person who tagged you.

25 Things Everyone Wanted to Know About Me

1. I think that New Wave is better than disco, but I think disco is better than everything else.
2. I'm a Mexican who doesn't like to eat beans.
3. I used to think I was an X-Man when I was little. You see, walking home from school, I could "sense" electricity generated by televisions inside of houses .... from the OUTSIDE! Crazy, right?
4. I would prefer to pee into sinks, since they're higher up, but I usually pee into toilets.
5. Speaking of peeing - I try to hit the side of the bowl instead of the water, because the sound of pee hitting the water makes me grimace.
6. I was picked on a lot in elementary through middle school, but was a total stud in high school - because it was an arts high school and my boyfriend was the cutest in school.
7. I like to imitate dance moves I see on TV.
8. Rock beats paper - every time.
9. I wrote my first book when I was eight years old. Horrortopia.
10. I'm the only one who thinks its great that Vh1 has replaced music videos with cheesy reality "love" shows.
11. My dad was in a band and my mom was a cheerleader.
12. My sister is the coolest person I know.
13. I think that I'm really good and really bad at lying. Simultaneously.
14. My mom says that if I ever stop biting my nails, she'll take me to get my first manicure. That was the wrong thing to say.
15. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 15.
16. I have ambitions to write children's books for adults one day.
17. Since I've worked in a lot of restaurants, I also think it'd be a good idea to maybe own one one day.
18. In 2007 I was a great swimmer. What happened?
19. I can play the bass guitar.
20. I have my own rap album.
21. I am totally one of those people who look to see people's reactions to films on their faces, like Amelie. God, I hate that movie.
22. I'm pretty apathetic about God, unless I need him.
23. I want to be like both of my parents, but I see myself becoming my dad more and more every day.
24. I wish I was closer to my nieces and nephews.
25. My favorite food is soup. Read more!

Getting to Class

Its only the third day and I'm already dreading going to class. I roll over in my bed, pull the curtain back from the window, and glance out, bleary eyed, until I realize everything is white yet I can't see downward movement from the sky without my glasses.

I roll the other way - glasses sitting on top of my snow-colored computer - I snap them on my face then roll over again towards the window, the door - pull the curtain back. Its not snowing anymore. I fall back on my bed again, defeated, and cover my face with the blanket my great-grandmother had made for me when I was born - pale blue, the color the sky would be had gray yarn not covered it in its opaque patchwork.

After several seconds of breathing hot air into the twenty-two year old fabric, I pull it away from my face, push myself up in my bed so that I'm sitting with my back against the cold steel frame that comprises the headboard, and pull my computer onto my lap. Flipping it open, it reveals the page I had last visited before casting off to sleep - this blog.

Alas, wonderful news on the UMD web page - classes will not begin until 11 AM this morning. I glance at my clock, my insides churning with elation - its 7 AM, and I can sleep for two and a half more hours.

Its only the third day and I'm already praising the gods for weather that makes my teeth chatter when I stand, three hours later, waiting for the bus to take me to school. Read more!

This Clip Gives 'Five Guys' A Whole New Meaning...

Yum-mo! Notable quote: "Its always good to go pleasure yourself, you know, once, once a week." Thanks for the pointer, yo.

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Best. E-mail. Ever.

Haha, all you lame Californians - you don't get kick-ass emails like this, now, DO you?

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The Decemberists - The Engine Driver

One of my favorite songs ... with great lyrics. Enjoy!


I'm an engine driver
On a long run, on a long run
Would I were beside her
She's a long one, such a long one

And if you don't love me let me go
And if you don't love me let me go

I'm a county lineman
On the high line, on the high line
So will be my grandson
There are powerlines in our bloodlines

And if you don't love me let me go
And if you don't love me let me go

And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones
My bones
My bones

I'm a money lender
I have fortunes upon fortunes
Take my hand for tender
I am tortured, ever tortured

And if you don't love me let me go
And if you don't love me let me go

And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones
I am a writer, I am all that you have hoped on

And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones
My bones
My bones

(And if you don't love me let me go)
And if you don't love me let me go
(And if you don't love me let me go)
And if you don't love me let me go Read more!

First Day of Spring Semester 2009

What a debacle! Today is a mess, and I'm hating it right about now. I'm at nineteen credits and need one more to make it to graduation in time, and I'm on the waitlist for a WEIGHT LIFTING CLASS. Signing up for it, it said I was sixth in line. Now it says SIXTEENTH. Sorry, I need to vent. I'm not usually crazy about those crazy about caps.

Do you want the line up? Its as follows:

SPANISH 203 - Intermediate Spanish
Ugh, this is going to be the most tedious class EVER.

ENGL391 - Advanced Composition
At least there is SOMETHING advanced in my schedule...

GEOG435 - Population Geography
Something I may or may not have already taken my first semester at CCSF.

ENGL410 - Edmund Spencer
The teacher is funky, so this class may be cool.

ENGL310 - Medieval and Renaissance British Literature
The professor says "fuck" every couple words and is a communist - thumbs up.

AAST398L - Asian-Americans in Film
This is probably the one I'm most excited about.

KNES157N - Beginning Lifting
Hopefully I'll get this one, otherwise I'm fucked. And I'll get nice arms out of it, too.

So shit-show-McGee! I'm hoping it'll all turn out for the best, but something tells me there are still several hoops I'll need to jump through before shit gets sorted out. I'll keep you posted. Read more!

Ryan: Real World Brooklyn Crush

So, I kind of have a crush on Ryan Conklin from the Real World: Brooklyn. Why, you ask? Well, despite the fact that up front he seems to be a shallow asshole, he's actually quite complex - he's been to Iraq, yet is a musician, a talented singer, has written a three-hundred page single-spaced book on his experiences in the war, and is an aspiring filmmaker. Hot, if you ask me.

Below is a video from the Real World: Brooklyn premiere in which Ryan plays a song about Iraq - its the scene that stole my heart. I hate to give you three videos in a row, but this one was too good to pass up. Enjoy!

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Obama Look-Alike

So, what do you think - would YOU confuse him for Obama?

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The Soup vs. Nikki from Rock of Love Bus

Joel takes on quite possibly the funniest character of the Rock of Love series thusfar - Nikki from season 3. Watch it - you'll love it.

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What do we think of New York Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand?


I think she's a skank who needs to be shanked. She'll have a tough job filling in for Hillary.

Why? From different sources I've read, it turns out, she's pretty anti-immigrant. Check it out:

1. She's ordered local police officers to take on immigration enforcement duties.
2. She's supported ineffective border patrol enforcement.
3. Opposed any path for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship.
4. English First, an organization that works to make English the "official" language of the United States, gave Gillibrand an "A" on her 2007-2008 report-card.
5. Supported the SAVE Act, which would force 6 million businesses to verify the legal status of their employees.

Hot! We're going to have a field day ripping her a new one!


You read more here at Read more!

A Supergay Teaching Us How to Be Emo

What do you think - should I take his advice?

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Brazilian Model's Tragic Ordeal


Brazilian model Mariana Bridi da Costa died early this morning, just days after surgery that removed both her hands and feet. Just three weeks ago she was a perfectly healthy young girl on her way to international superstardom, yet a urinary tract infection quickly led to problems detected in her kidneys. By the time she was treated, it had developed into necrosis, a disease caused by septicimia. Doctors know very little about what causes it, however, when it sets in, little can be done.

She was 20 years old.

Her fiance says that she woke up from a coma ten days ago and told him how much she wanted to live, and how much she had left to accomplish. Read more!

If You're Ever Feeling Lonely ....


If you go here, you'll be able to access the sound board as seen above, which provides many hours of entertainment. 51 sounds, two of which are extremely entertaining all on their own (see: barfing, male AND female variety. The female one is especially long, too!)

Feels like this would go hand in hand with "Cheers to You!", as seen below:

As seen on Read more!

I Love Money 2 Supertrailer

Oh. Em. Gee.

The supertrailer for Vh1's "I Love Money 2" is FINALLY here! And let me remind you - you saw it HERE first! Enjoy! Looks like a wild ride.

Quote of the trailer? "Nobody love cash more than streeper! Hello!" - Angelique (Rock of Love 2)

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Is he on the cuter side, or the gayer side - you decide!


PS: He is one of my new obsessions, and he has a video. His name is Javas. Should I make a tag for him now, or later? Read more!


Okay, so this may end up turning into a drunken rant, but I really want to reiterate the fact that the terminology surrounding the "Hispanic/Latino" population really is bothering me right now. I guess its because we were just watching "America's Best Dance Crew 3" and one of the Puerto Rican guys on the show said, "We want to represent for all Latin people out there" or something along those lines, to which my sister replied, "I don't speak Latin."

I guess it makes sense on some level to want to give us all categories - after all, black is black in DC, where a recent immigrant from Ethiopia can be classified as "black" as much as the descendant of slave. Same goes for the recent immigrant from Ireland who is as white as the sixth generation German Jew in Milwaukee.

However, I feel like the reason why the Latino/Hispanic question bothers me so much is because black and white apply to skin color rather than geographical or diasporic origin. It is almost as though the aim was to be more sensitive yet it failed at it miserably.

Take "Hispanic" for example, which was a term with origins in the 1970s, created by the US Census Bureau to group together a people who were previously considered unclassifiable. Problems with this term include, but are not limited to:

- it does not indicate race, as a person who is Hispanic can be of ANY race.
- a root of the word, "Spanish," does not include Brazilians, who speak Portuguese
- a root of the word, "Spanish," does not include native Mayan people who still reside in countries like Guatemala and Mexico, who speak native languages
- a root of the word, "Spanish," does not include second or third generation descendants of "Spanish-speaking people" who may only speak English.

"Latino," on the other hand, which is more widely used on the west coast of the United States versus the east coast's "Hispanic" tries to be more inclusive, yet the problems it creates are similar to the ones that are created by "Hispanic." Latino takes its roots from "Latin America," which is still based on the Spanish colonization, thus emphasizing the colonizer and not the conquered. And, as my sister says, none of us out here speak Latin natively.

Be sensitive, people! I am not "Latin," nor "Hispanic," and although I will take "Latino," I certainly would prefer, if you MUST discuss my ethnicity, "Mexican-American." Read more!

Rock of Love Bus: Episode 3

So, with the newest episode, we finally see two of Bret's "troublemakers" go home. The cast offs? Former porn-star Brittaney (the Vh1 blog calls her "Jasmineva" for some undisclosed reason [her porn name?]), and Melissa, who apparently is Hispanic and was talking trash behind Bret's back. Yikes! Is Bret turning over a new leaf by eliminating the fake blondes instead of keeping them around?

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My top 5 are still in play:

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Hottie of the Week!

This week, I feel like a funky hottie is in order. Next week, I start school again, so get ready for regular updates like never before, as well as some new fun categories I think you'll really love. Enjoy!







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2009 Oscars Line-up

Check out the results for the Oscar nominations this year. Do you agree?


Performance by an actor in a leading role

Richard Jenkins in "The Visitor" (Overture Films)

Frank Langella in "Frost/Nixon" (Universal)

Sean Penn in "Milk" (Focus Features)

Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (Paramount and Warner Bros.)

Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler" (Fox Searchlight)

Performance by an actor in a supporting role

Josh Brolin in "Milk" (Focus Features)

Robert Downey Jr. in "Tropic Thunder" (DreamWorks, Distributed by DreamWorks/Paramount)

Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Doubt" (Miramax)

Heath Ledger in "The Dark Knight" (Warner Bros.)

Michael Shannon in "Revolutionary Road" (DreamWorks, Distributed by Paramount Vantage)

Performance by an actress in a leading role

Anne Hathaway in "Rachel Getting Married" (Sony Pictures Classics)

Angelina Jolie in "Changeling" (Universal)

Melissa Leo in "Frozen River" (Sony Pictures Classics)

Meryl Streep in "Doubt" (Miramax)

Kate Winslet in "The Reader" (The Weinstein Company)

Performance by an actress in a supporting role

Amy Adams in "Doubt" (Miramax)

Penélope Cruz in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" (The Weinstein Company)

Viola Davis in "Doubt" (Miramax)

Taraji P. Henson in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (Paramount and Warner Bros.)
Marisa Tomei in "The Wrestler" (Fox Searchlight)

Best animated feature film of the year

"Bolt" (Walt Disney)

"Kung Fu Panda" (DreamWorks Animation)

"WALL-E" (Walt Disney)

Best motion picture of the year

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (Paramount and Warner Bros.)

"Frost/Nixon" (Universal)

"Milk" (Focus Features)

"The Reader" (The Weinstein Company)

"Slumdog Millionaire" (Fox Searchlight) Read more!

My Perspective From the Inauguration

Here are some pictures. My dad took some too so I'll have more for you soon.

7 AM ... an unholy hour.

Kind of creepy to see in the city...

Selling merch....

The crowds.

The Capitol building.

Crowd surfing.

Crowd surfing .... 2.

It was so cold.


Sniper ... maybe the creepiest picture I've ever taken.

The newz.

People listening to the speech on someone's car stereo.

An awesome stencil on the way home.
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Sam Adams Scandal

So, apparently, Sam Adams, the new mayor of Portland, Oregon, who also happens to be openly gay already has some dirt dug up on him. There is some controversy on his alleged sexual relationship with an 18-year-old intern who may have been 17 when the relationship started. Check out the video clip from a recent newsreel in Oregon.

To read my earlier post on Sam Adams, click here. Read more!

The Obama Era

Welcome to 2009. I'll post my pictures from the ceremony within the next couple of days.

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Digital Underground - "Same Song"

This video comes from the movie "Nothing But Trouble" with Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase and Demi Moore (remember them)? In one scene, Digital Underground plays a song for the characters. Its pretty random, super cheesy, but 100% great.

Celebrity sighting - check out a young Tupac Shakur! Can you spot him?

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Gio Black Peter - Peephole Confessions

A new little obsession of mine, Gio Black Peter. He's Guatemalan. Pretty cute, right? He lives in New York and makes music and art - I've posted a video of his and one of his self portraits. What do you think - talented or not?

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This one has a historical quality to it - out of grandma's closet, I would say. So, the question, as usual: is this more on the cute side or the gay side? You decide!

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Craigslist: A Series

So, this is my little segment where I find a funny interesting REAL Craigslist posting and display it for you to smile, laugh, cry or "aww' at. This one won this week - enjoy!


Fooled around at church on New Year's Eve - m4w
Date: 2009-01-02, 1:55PM PST

You: Very, very, very Drunk.
Me: Very, very, very drunk.

Here's what I remember: We shared a romantic moment on the dance floor. The kind of moment dreams and flowers and bunnies are made of.


We were fooling around like a couple of teenagers in the back room.


We somehow ended up in a private room behind the DJ booth and things heated up to a more adult level.


We realized the room was not so private due to the group of people watching us and possibly taking pictures and video with camera phones.


Alone. With your panties in my pocket. I think you took my hat. Good trade.


Wearing panties on my head, looking for you. For some reason couldn't find you...

Sorry about all the debauchery. I'm not normally so fun. It was New Year's Eve, though and if it makes you feel better, I'm still feeling the hangover. Sigh.

Drop me a line if you wanna actually go out sometime and get to know each other like regular people. I'm actually a pretty nice guy once you take the panties off my head. If not, then thanks for a wild New Year's Eve. I've never had so much fun at church.
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Three days till Inauguration!

What will you be doing, and where?

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Some great clips from "The Office"

Here are a few clips from one of my favorite TV shows, The Office on NBC. You'll be able to follow along even if you don't watch the show.

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Natural Disasters

Here is a list of natural disasters. Which are you most afraid of, and why?

Land Movement Disasters:



Lahars (volcanic mudflow or landslide)

Landslides and Mudflows

Volcanic Eruptions

Water Disasters


Limnic Eruptions (when CO2 erupts from deep lake water, suffocating wildlife, livestock and humans)


Weather Disasters




Heat waves

Cyclonic Storms


Health and Disease




Impact Movements (air bursts from comets or asteroids hitting the earth's surface)

Solar Flare
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