Poor "Ice-man." Loyalty will bite you on the ass, especially when someone stabs you in the back and you don't stab back (hmm - I probably should re-word that sentence, but I'm not going to). The PGA (or Pretty Girl Alliance), along with the Goon Squad/Underdog Alliance all fell apart this week when Saaphyri won paymaster, much to the surprise of nearly everyone.
Saaphyri, who cultivated new alliances with Tailor Made and Prancer, asked them to put Myammee into the box as her only request. Ice, under the impression that the Pretty Girl Alliance was still strong, refused to vote for Prancer or Myammee, while Myammee stabbed them both in the back.
Escaping the box, Ice was the natural choice, as Prancer promised revenge on Myammee if Saaphyri kept her, and It is the former Charm School winner's bitch.
Six left. Frenchy, hang in there!

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