MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
MUTO - A Wall Painted Animation
This may very well be the MOST INTERESTING THING I'VE EVER SEEN ON THE INTERNET. Watch it - I'll let it speak for itself. No, really - WATCH IT.
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
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MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PR becomes $$

This month, Puerto Rico becomes a coin, after the US Treasury decided that they would not simply stop with the 50 states in their quest to turn the entire United States into "dinero." Pretty fitting, I suppose, but Washington, DC (holler), Guam and PR are all going to be seen on a twenty-five cent coin before they become obsolete, like pennies, nickels and dimes.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Personally, I don't really care - some are saying that Puerto Ricans are given every inclusive right except the right to vote, but I'm not sure if it is really a big deal. I mean, every four years they get the option to become an official state, and they always refuse. So what's to get all puffy about? Do you have any strong feelings either way? Read more!
Monday, March 30, 2009

The 80s Are Back! ... Again - Summer 2009 Edition
Transformers VS. GI Joe - the 80s are officially back (and have since died and come back again six times since 2004). With past cartoons turned toys turned cartoons turned movies being the latest trend in the Hollywood market, I'm wondering if the same thing will happen in another twenty years, when the technology is even better. I mean, the new Transformers look amazing, and I'm not necessarily sure how they can improve on the effects beyond this point? And I mean - was I the only one trying to follow the plot of the first Transformers movie? I mean, yeah, it was good, but come on - the whole concept was totally far-fetched.
Can't we just let some things rest where they fall (Bratz, I'm looking at you!), or are we going to be rehashing the glory days over and over again until real aliens DO come and pummel us? If that's the case, I say - bring it on. We deserve it.
Anyway, watch the trailers below, and let me know which, if any, you'll see. Despite my bitching, I'll probably see both twelve times. Hello, Shia! Hello, Channing!
- VS -
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Can't we just let some things rest where they fall (Bratz, I'm looking at you!), or are we going to be rehashing the glory days over and over again until real aliens DO come and pummel us? If that's the case, I say - bring it on. We deserve it.
Anyway, watch the trailers below, and let me know which, if any, you'll see. Despite my bitching, I'll probably see both twelve times. Hello, Shia! Hello, Channing!
- VS -
Stripper Update
Things have been really good lately. I know last week it sounded like I was on the verge of hanging myself from my shower rod, but alas - I have overcome. It probably won't last, but its amazing what a pair of New Wayfarer Ray Bans can do for one's outlook on life. It really is as though I'm seeing the world through new lenses.
I have two tests this week - one on Wednesday, and one on Friday, but you know what? I'm feeling hella good. I haven't felt like this in a long time. And as you can see from the pictures in the last post, the weather has been beautiful, and I got to hang out with Amy, one of my old friends from the Heights. We had this awesome brunch at Oyamel - she had the "migas," and I had the
"chilaquiles." We shared the churros for dessert.
Afterwards, we walked down together to the cherry blossoms and checked them out. The sun was warm, the water was choppy, and the Ms. Cherry Blossom competition or whatever was going down on the tidal basin. It really was a sight to behold.
After that, Amy and I parted ways, and I caught a film at the Freer/Sackler movie theater called "100 Years of Japanese Cinema," which was pretty awesome. It was free, and I felt arty and douchy while watching it, surrounded by fifty-year-old self-important Washingtonians. It was rad.
I walked up to Macy's to check out the Wayfarers, but they had nothing. I then wandered into Washington Sports Club to check out the sneaks (I guess I had an itch to spend some money) and found myself glancing at their collection of sunglasses, and lo and behold - they had what I was looking for. As if it were some sacred duty, I bought some golden honey and black New Wayfarers. Hot! I'm so excited to wear them - with EVERYTHING.
Oh yeah - mom came home from her trip back west, too. That was cool. Read more!
I have two tests this week - one on Wednesday, and one on Friday, but you know what? I'm feeling hella good. I haven't felt like this in a long time. And as you can see from the pictures in the last post, the weather has been beautiful, and I got to hang out with Amy, one of my old friends from the Heights. We had this awesome brunch at Oyamel - she had the "migas," and I had the
"chilaquiles." We shared the churros for dessert.
Afterwards, we walked down together to the cherry blossoms and checked them out. The sun was warm, the water was choppy, and the Ms. Cherry Blossom competition or whatever was going down on the tidal basin. It really was a sight to behold.
After that, Amy and I parted ways, and I caught a film at the Freer/Sackler movie theater called "100 Years of Japanese Cinema," which was pretty awesome. It was free, and I felt arty and douchy while watching it, surrounded by fifty-year-old self-important Washingtonians. It was rad.
I walked up to Macy's to check out the Wayfarers, but they had nothing. I then wandered into Washington Sports Club to check out the sneaks (I guess I had an itch to spend some money) and found myself glancing at their collection of sunglasses, and lo and behold - they had what I was looking for. As if it were some sacred duty, I bought some golden honey and black New Wayfarers. Hot! I'm so excited to wear them - with EVERYTHING.
Oh yeah - mom came home from her trip back west, too. That was cool. Read more!
Cherry Blossom Festival 2009
My friend Amy and I went down to the tidal basin here in DC to check out the Cherry Blossoms yesterday. It was a beautiful day - after brunch at Oyamel, which was quite delicious, we decided to take a walk down as we were in the neighborhood. I snapped a few photos - more are underneath the cut.
Spring has come to Washington, DC!

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Spring has come to Washington, DC!

"Watchmen" Review

"Watchmen" stands apart from other superhero flicks in the sense that it teaches a history lesson - alternate history, that is, but history nonetheless. I read a book once in which 99.9% of Europe's population was destroyed during the Black Plague instead of the actual 30-60%, thus leaving the world to be colonized by Asia, Latin America and Africa instead of raping, pillaging whites. Unfortunately, there still would have been raping and pillaging, but the world would have been a very different place, and it was interesting to fantasize about what that would have been like.
In the reality of "Watchmen," the Soviet Union has not been crushed, and, in 1985, the United States is on the verge of nuclear war with the communist country. Superheroes exist in this alternate reality, as well - however, masked vigilantes have been criminalized and forced to go into hiding (a la "Incredibles") after their involvement in the path of history. The Watchmen are a reincarnation of the 1930s and 1940s super crew "The Minutemen," made up of a smorgasbord of super-strong misfits.
There is Silk Spectre, the only female member of the team, following in the footsteps of her mother, and, unbeknownst to her, her father, The Comedian. John F. Kennedy's assassination, along with a long list of political disasters, are put under the Comedian's belt, in the same way that Dr. Manhattan, the god-like glowing blue Oscar Award, is given credit for the victory in Vietnam. Dr. Manhattan is in a relationship with Silk Spectre, who is also attached to the subdued but strong leader of the Watchmen, Nite Owl. Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias, another member of the team, are the only two Watchmen to have since revealed their true identities to the world, with the latter turning his history as a crime fighter into a multi-billion dollar industry. Finally, but certainly not least of all, is Rorschach, the narrator of the film, and also the only member of Watchmen to continue doing vigilante work despite it being illegal.
The presence of these heroes has permanently altered history - in essence, they are the key difference between that reality and the one we live in. Without Dr. Manhattan's intervention in Vietnam, we would have lost of the war (as we did in THIS reality), and Nixon would have been impeached. In the end, however, the lesson that the movie seems to teach is that humans do not need superior beings looking after them - that the divine or the mighty would in fact make things worst for us in the long run. Whether this was a central theme in the comics, I don't know - but it was the lasting impression I got long after the lengthy film was over.
Is God dead? Have humans finally reached a place (in THIS reality, at least) where God's career has finally gone the route of Michael Jackson's, irrelevant yet hanging like a fart in stagnant air? Maybe. By the end of the film (if you are still conscious and/or interested), Dr. Manhattan is asked to take the blame for a catastrophe made to look like his doing - again, harkening back to the parallel that is drawn between him and God. It mirrors the way humanity, at least in the past, has thrown things that appear out of our control into the hands of a divine being. "We don't want to deal with it, so we'll leave it up to you." Isn't that the point of religion, anyway?
If you have a low threshold for bullshit and ranty monologues, then this movie is not for you. The effects were great, but a cool nuclear explosion is not enough to redeem the film from the nauseatingly self-masturbatory Dr. Manhattan, who masquerades with twig and berries free for about three quarters of the film. Would it have been so hard to CG a loincloth on that Smurf, or what? Read more!
Friday, March 27, 2009

Finally - Mainstream Media Acknowledging Human Rights Violations in Immigration Detentions
This pretty much says it all. Check it out.
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Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Daisy of Love Cast Reveal: Day 5
Finally, the last five contestants out to "win" Daisy's "heart." I hate that there are so many quotations in that last sentence, but lets keep it real - all they'll be winning is a chance on another reality spin-off where they can potentially win some cash. So, we have...


Tool Box



This show is going to be a mess. Read more!


Tool Box



This show is going to be a mess. Read more!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

This Looks Comfy!
I could see the male counterpart to the Cat Lady getting down with one of these. Those ARE nice legs, though... the outfit is a little tacky and outdated, but hey - beggars can't be choosers ... or can they?

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Winter Gloves - Let Me Drive
Cool music video. Song is kind of annoying at parts, but the idea is cool.
Winter Gloves 'Let Me Drive' from the album 'about a girl' from Paper Bag Records on Vimeo.
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Winter Gloves 'Let Me Drive' from the album 'about a girl' from Paper Bag Records on Vimeo.
Thoughts of the Day
What's alarming to me is that everyone and their mother here at school are so concerned with what they're going to do next semester, next year, after they're done with school, for the rest of their lives... and I just kind of feel apathetic about it. Some part of me makes me think that maybe I'm going to die or something because I don't see myself in ten years. I'm not Jedi master Yoda, though, so I don't expect me to be able to see the future. And I'm not Dr. Manhattan - I don't think I should be able to see my path. However, something inherently tells me, whether I'm alive or dead or not, I'm going to be okay.
The rough plan, at this point (and let me warn you, it is VERY rough) is to graduate, save some money, go to Berlin and Europe, come home for the holidays, work and save enough money to move to NYC with Melissa. Between now and then I plan to finish my novel, then maybe try to shop it around. I also want to publish a few articles, one of which I've already written but am too shart-scared to send anywhere.
Everyone has a plan except me. It was like that semester that I wasn't in school, and my rent was really cheap, and I was working all the time, and all I did was go out to eat and drink with Amar. He would say, "Julian, I love how you and I are the only ones not on a budget." And I'd smile and look off and know there was nothing to fear. Read more!
The rough plan, at this point (and let me warn you, it is VERY rough) is to graduate, save some money, go to Berlin and Europe, come home for the holidays, work and save enough money to move to NYC with Melissa. Between now and then I plan to finish my novel, then maybe try to shop it around. I also want to publish a few articles, one of which I've already written but am too shart-scared to send anywhere.
Everyone has a plan except me. It was like that semester that I wasn't in school, and my rent was really cheap, and I was working all the time, and all I did was go out to eat and drink with Amar. He would say, "Julian, I love how you and I are the only ones not on a budget." And I'd smile and look off and know there was nothing to fear. Read more!
Hottie of the Week!
Ah, a breath of fresh air - hottie of the week time has finally arrived! Just one more day of this hellacious school week and I'll be good to go. Anyway, enjoy, and click the "Read More!" link below to get more pics.

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Rock of Love Bus: Episode 10 Recap

Beverly and "rock hand" were officially retired on the latest episode of Dumptruck of Love. The girls were asked to write and perform the lyrics to the music of Bret's latest song, most of the girls shining (despite Mindy's breakdown even before the challenge even begun). Despite Beverly's great performance, and her private trip with Taya to one of Bret's performances, her groupie-status had her eliminated. Everyone agreed - Beverly wanted to be in love with Bret the rockstar, not Bret the person. I don't blame her, though - I don't think I would fall in love with Bret the person, either. Plus, in the first episode, she said that he was on her "free pass" list above Edward Norton. Who would believe that?
With this latest elimination/landfill deposit, my top 5 are officially all done. This just goes to show you that premiere episodes are not the best indicators of who will take home the prize ... err, Bret. I'm pretty sure it'll come down to Mindy and Taya, since Jamie is about as interesting as the color of Bret's bandanas. And at this point, I don't really care. I just kind of want it to be over. Is that sad?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Right now Hillary "Secretary of State" Clinton is on her way to the US-Mexican border (with A. Coop in tow) to discuss the violence that is occurring in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. My question is: why the fuck is the US government not getting more involved in this? We're over in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting a war against terror when terror is occurring right on our borders. The whole reason the drug lords have a hold on the damn city is because they're smuggling drugs into THIS country FROM there. I don't feel like we're doing our part. That is all - maybe this sound be under "Thoughts of the Day," or, more accurately, "Rants of the Day." It just makes me mad is all.
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Daisy of Love Cast Reveal: Day 4
Sorry these guys have been delayed, but it was well worth it, I think!




Do you think it was these guys' lifetime goal to wind up on a Vh1 "of love" show? Because from the looks of it, this is the greatest thing they'll ever achieve. Again, can't wait to see them in action. Read more!




Do you think it was these guys' lifetime goal to wind up on a Vh1 "of love" show? Because from the looks of it, this is the greatest thing they'll ever achieve. Again, can't wait to see them in action. Read more!
Mstrkrft featuring John Legend - "Heartbreaker"
Remember when I caught your eye
you gave me rainbows and butterflies
we did enjoy our happiness?
when our love was over
I was such a mess
I smiled at you
and you smiled back
that's when I knew
there's no turning back
you said you loved me
and I did too
now though it's over
I still love you
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start
I tried to fight it
I tried so hard
and every day
I pray to God
that you and me were meant to be
but you had another
you had a lover
And now is gone
I don't know why
I feel like crying
just want to die
I can't look at you
and you know why
no, I tried so hard
to catch your eye
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start Read more!
you gave me rainbows and butterflies
we did enjoy our happiness?
when our love was over
I was such a mess
I smiled at you
and you smiled back
that's when I knew
there's no turning back
you said you loved me
and I did too
now though it's over
I still love you
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start
I tried to fight it
I tried so hard
and every day
I pray to God
that you and me were meant to be
but you had another
you had a lover
And now is gone
I don't know why
I feel like crying
just want to die
I can't look at you
and you know why
no, I tried so hard
to catch your eye
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start
you're in my mind
you're in my heart
I wish I knew right from the start
all my friends said you break my heart
A heartbreaker right from the start Read more!
Diva Obama Poster
I think this rules. It would look great over the bar at Deco, Aunt Charlie's or (RIP) the Transfer. What do you think?

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Stripper Update
I'm working so damn much this week, its redic. I stupidly picked up two shifts and now today was my only day off, and, as I've been finding out more and more each day, our days off turn into our days on. I still need to work out a new loan or scholarship to get me through summer of 2009 so that I can graduate. I don't know when I'll get time to do that.
I did manage to get a haircut today, and its super cute! Short on the sides, longer on top, super long in the back and a bit asymmetrical.
Uh oh. Drag race came on right now. Time for me to shut up and watch.
Yes, this is my life so far. No wonder I find it hard to have conversations with people these days. Reality TV has me by the throat. But hey, it came in handy today during my haircut - turns out, my hairdresser is a Rock of Love Bus diva! OMG - her pick is Mindy, by the way. Read more!
I did manage to get a haircut today, and its super cute! Short on the sides, longer on top, super long in the back and a bit asymmetrical.
Uh oh. Drag race came on right now. Time for me to shut up and watch.
Yes, this is my life so far. No wonder I find it hard to have conversations with people these days. Reality TV has me by the throat. But hey, it came in handy today during my haircut - turns out, my hairdresser is a Rock of Love Bus diva! OMG - her pick is Mindy, by the way. Read more!
The Weather, Not the News
I love watching bad shit happen to weather-people. I don't think that there is anything better. Check out some of the offerings that youtube has to offer and enjoy.
And, I've posted this one before, but just for shits and giggles:
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And, I've posted this one before, but just for shits and giggles:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Love Money Recap: Episodes 7 and 8

So, in a bid to redeem myself for failing to update you guys on these shows in a timely manner, I'm going to update you on both episode 7 and episode 8 of "I Love Money 2" today, even though I haven't even seen the latest episode just yet. Last week, Bonez was eliminated by Angelique, who was "paymastair." She refused to sabotage her alliance with 20 Pack and Becky Buckwild, mostly because she spent about thirty minutes of screen time trying to get 20 Pack's junk. She's also somehow managed to fill the Leilene-shaped hole in the Buckwild-Saaphyri friendship alliance, which has been more bizarre to me than anything. In any case, I never really was a fan of Bonez, so you can imagine why it took me so long to update.
Episode 8 was more "Entertaining," however, when the Entertainer was sent home by Tailor Made, the founder of the counter-alliance. Saaphyri, in a clever stunt to save her ass, made it very well known fact what a big threat the Entertainer was to her entire team, coaxing them all to vote him into the box after their team failed to win the challenge. When time accidentally ran out on the clock, Tailor Made was allowed to pick his own three to go into the box, and he chose wisely: Angelique, Saaphyri and The Entertainer, three members of the dominant alliance that had been picking off weaker characters since the beginning.
During the power outing, Angelique proved to be incredibly good at rock climbing, and the others began to wonder if Frenchy was an undercover threat. Tailor Made, however, spared her first, and then promptly proceeded to void The Entertainer's check, knowing that Saaphyri was right - he had to go because he was a huge threat. However, with her ability to switch sides and really outsmart other people at the game, I'm starting to think that Saaphyri may be, again, the one to reckon with.
Ten people remain, and from now on, there are no teams!

Now, lets be honest - on the cuter side, or the gayer side? You decide! Decide already! I'm totally going to date this guy, BTW.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Calle 13 - Electro Movimiento
I wasn't going to post anything today, but I just couldn't resist. Behold, my latest boyfriend/obsession. Enjoy!
Calle 13 - Electro Movimiento from Matias on Vimeo.
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Calle 13 - Electro Movimiento from Matias on Vimeo.
Hottie of the Week!
Something I haven't tried on this blog just yet - fetish photographs! And that Mexican mask is pretty legit. Have fun, and click the link to get more pics!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ru Paul - "Jealous of My Boogie"
I think describes it best when they say that Ru Paul's latest is "a cross between a bareback porn and Peanut Butter Jelly Time." In any case, tell me what you think.
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S. Darko Trailer
So, the following is a trailer for "S. Darko," the sequel to the 2001 cult classic, "Donnie Darko," which put Jake Gyllen-ho on the map. If you've seen the movie, you know how wildly special it is, whether you liked it or not. I really enjoyed it, but feel like a sequel will definitely ruin it. What do you think? Watch the trailer, and let me know.
Here is a trailer for the ORIGINAL. So much more tense!
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Here is a trailer for the ORIGINAL. So much more tense!
Rock of Love Bus Update: Episode 9

It was a two-for-the-price-of-one skank sale on Rock of Love Bus Sunday night, when yet another of my picks (and personal favorite) Ashley was sent home along with Brittanya. This episode marks the end of an era, as none of the original residents of the pink bus remain (Taya, Mindy, Beverly and Jamie all belonged to the blue). Ironically enough, all the residents of the blue bus were made to board the pink bus in order to continue on the journey in the last episode.
Ashley was eliminated (tear) due to her attachment to her ex-boyfriend/baby daddy. Brittanya was eliminated for throwing a punch at Rock Of Love 1 runner-up Heather. When the dust had settled, only four brunettes are left, all of which have been called "Lame" by Farrah or Ashley at some point or another. If it weren't for the rapidly approaching finale, I would have probably tuned out by now. But I have to see who Bret picks, or whether he pulls a Flav/Chance and decides to choose no one. Something tells me there will be a twist of this nature in the end. I'm crossing my fingers for a Bret/Heather reunion. We'll see! Four girls left, only one of them, Beverly, still on my top 5!

Stripper Update
So, Spring Break wouldn't be Spring Break without some sort of disaster, so of course, this year, it was my sister's appendix. She had been complaining about stomach pains all weekend, and when she described it, Jijad and I surmised that it must have been appendicitis. Hand over our doctorates, please, because we were right. After being at the hospital yesterday through early this morning (a total of about 8 or 9 hours), the doctors finally concluded that she would need to have her appendix removed. Sucker!
Jijad spent the night with her while my mom and I drove back home and passed out for a few hours in our respective beds. Then, when Jijad called to let us know when the surgery would be taking place, we got up again and headed back out. After a quick coffee-donut breakfast, we were in her room, waiting for her to emerge from the recovery ward. I ended up passing out on her hospital bed until she arrived.
She was pretty happy - probably a result of the morphine - and said that it was not as bad as she thought it was going to be. No tears. We welcomed her back to life, and after a series of tests and questions, she went to sleep again. Jijad and I drove home, leaving my mom there for the day shift. I work later tonight and Jijad needed to get some sleep before he returns at night, so we thought it best for us to return together.
Scandalous! So much for NYC! Read more!
Jijad spent the night with her while my mom and I drove back home and passed out for a few hours in our respective beds. Then, when Jijad called to let us know when the surgery would be taking place, we got up again and headed back out. After a quick coffee-donut breakfast, we were in her room, waiting for her to emerge from the recovery ward. I ended up passing out on her hospital bed until she arrived.
She was pretty happy - probably a result of the morphine - and said that it was not as bad as she thought it was going to be. No tears. We welcomed her back to life, and after a series of tests and questions, she went to sleep again. Jijad and I drove home, leaving my mom there for the day shift. I work later tonight and Jijad needed to get some sleep before he returns at night, so we thought it best for us to return together.
Scandalous! So much for NYC! Read more!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Daisy of Love Cast Reveal: Round 3
So, here are four more cast members of the upcoming "Daisy of Love." Some of these guys are hot, but some of them ... you have to wonder ... WHY exactly they were picked. Maybe it was their outrageous behavior or their sparkling personalities. I guess we'll have to wait for next month to see.

Cable Guy


Chi Chi

I'm not sure - it seems like Daisy was really straining for new nicknames. I mean, Cable Guy? Chi Chi? Oh, God, I can't wait to see why these guys deserved such a dooming celeb-reality fate! Read more!

Cable Guy


Chi Chi

I'm not sure - it seems like Daisy was really straining for new nicknames. I mean, Cable Guy? Chi Chi? Oh, God, I can't wait to see why these guys deserved such a dooming celeb-reality fate! Read more!
Daisy of Love Cast Reveal: Round 2
First, there were brothers on "I Love New York" season 1. Next, there were twins, on "Flavor of Love 3." In the most recent bid to step up the new breed of televised sibling rivalry, "Daisy of Love" brings you triplets. Yes, that's right - three Swedish brothers, all competing for the love of little miss De La Hoya. As if things were not already confusing, what with the injection of 12 Pack into this newest Celeb-Reality Frankenstein, the geniuses behind the "Of Love" shows had to step up their game.
I present to you:



Good luck sorting these ones out, Daisy! Read more!
I present to you:



Good luck sorting these ones out, Daisy! Read more!
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