I should definitely think about writing reality shows. I have this excellent idea to give the former vice presidential candidate's family a reality show called, "Growing Palins" a la "Living Lohan." What do you think? Would you watch it? I know I would - part sitcom, part cooking show (where Sarah teaches us the secret to a nice thick moose stew), there would be something for everyone. Maybe even a Full House-type resolution to every episode, courtesy of Piper Palin. She has Stephanie Tanner written all over her.

If the whole fam doesn't want to jump onboard, I'm sure Bristol would be in it for a Real World-type living situation with other unfit mothers. It'd be like "Bad Girls Club" only with more stretch marks. The cast?
Jamie Lynn Spears


And of course, Bristol Palin

Hot! I can see the plot points now - who stole my Doritos??
I loathe the Palins, but I would totally watch this show. Go for it!
I have a feeling Sarah would put Dina Lohan to shame!
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