Feel free to leave your answers in a comment. I'd love to hear them. I'll post my own answers in a comment.
1. Name one person you met this year that you are really happy you met - how you met, where you met, and why you are glad this person is in your life.
2. Name one thing you regret about 2008.
3. Name a really great moment in 2008 you'll remember for a long, long time.
4. Name a change you made in 2008, whether good or bad, big or small.
5. Name a resolution you've made for 2009.
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Virgin Galactic

Today is a big day for reflection, both into the past and into the future, and it can be a bit overwhelming. I thought today would be the perfect day to discuss "Virgin Galactic," Sir Richard Branson's latest enterprise with his Virgin Group company.
Starting at $200,000 in the year 2010, passengers will be taken up into the closest region of space, or sub-orbital space, and be allowed to feel weightlessness for up to six minutes. It will be the first ever commercial space-ship, taking regular civilians out of our planet's atmosphere for the very first time. Other competitors of Virgin have already also begun to look into sub-orbital space flights, thus creating a new "space race" into the stars.
A video below will give more specifics, but my question to you is: are we ready for space travel?
San Francisco Update
Here are some photos from my trip in San Francisco. Check it out!

Crossing the bridge...

The writing's on the wall!

Corner of 24th and Valencia.

Mexican market in the Mission.

Get your diamond jule$!

This is the kind of thing I love about San Francisco. Diversity!

Great graffiti.

Beautiful mural up 18th street.

Another façade-side mural.

Bi-rite market - home of the $20 water and organic apricot!

Pretty much sums it up.

The oldest mission in California.

My friend Suzy and I.

Some graffiti inside of the bathroom at Sparky's.

Chinese lunar new year is coming up!

Market and Powell.

Tacky steak house slash tourist gimmick.

Palestinian freedom rally.

Great little garden Angela smoked a bowl in.

A mural at Zeitgeist.
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Crossing the bridge...

The writing's on the wall!

Corner of 24th and Valencia.

Mexican market in the Mission.

Get your diamond jule$!

This is the kind of thing I love about San Francisco. Diversity!

Great graffiti.

Beautiful mural up 18th street.

Another façade-side mural.

Bi-rite market - home of the $20 water and organic apricot!

Pretty much sums it up.

The oldest mission in California.

My friend Suzy and I.

Some graffiti inside of the bathroom at Sparky's.

Chinese lunar new year is coming up!

Market and Powell.

Tacky steak house slash tourist gimmick.

Palestinian freedom rally.

Great little garden Angela smoked a bowl in.

A mural at Zeitgeist.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Craigslist: a series
Well, with everyone trying to lock down their New Years Eve plans, it is no wonder that desperados, in a last ditch effort to score tickets someplace or make BFFs in a matter of a few days would be all over Craigslist. Its an annual occurrence as special as the holiday itself, so read up and laugh away.
What to do for NYE? (Bay Area...) - m4m
Date: 2008-12-29, 8:25AM PST
i'm going to be alone here by myself this NYE. i'm not really the party type so the club/bar thing doesn't really do much for me. my ideal would be to spend it in an orgy :P and i know that things like that only happens in porn flicks but hey one can dream right?? ok so i realize this is kinda lame but pls just throw me a bone and give me some suggestions and i'll send some karma points your way. cheers! Read more!
What to do for NYE? (Bay Area...) - m4m
Date: 2008-12-29, 8:25AM PST
i'm going to be alone here by myself this NYE. i'm not really the party type so the club/bar thing doesn't really do much for me. my ideal would be to spend it in an orgy :P and i know that things like that only happens in porn flicks but hey one can dream right?? ok so i realize this is kinda lame but pls just throw me a bone and give me some suggestions and i'll send some karma points your way. cheers! Read more!
Monday, December 29, 2008

Miley Cyrus - a vampire?
Oh, I love The Soup. This is one of their "creative pieces" in which they butcher and doctor an interview and turn it into something else entirely. Clever, funny and just great.
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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Introducing: Sam Sparro

Twenty-six year old Sam Sparro was born in Sydney, Australia to a gospel-minister-slash-recording-artist father, who brought him to LA at a young age to work as a child actor and begin developing a voice. As a youngin', Sam was taken to lots of gospel churches to listen to the best singers and learn their craft. One of his earliest admirers was Chaka Khan.
After Los Angeles he moved back to Sydney for a small time, then moved to England to live with family, where he became immersed in the rock music genre that was occurring there at the turn of the century. All of this contributed to his diverse and eclectic music style, which combines disco, rock, electro and soul together.
Sam moved back to LA in 2002, working in a coffee shop where he wrote the majority of his music from his self-titled debut album. He is signed to England's Island Records, where he does his thang as an openly-gay recording artist.
Check out his debut album! I love it. Notable tracks include "Black and Gold," "Sick" and "Cut Me Loose." He also does a pretty bomb-ass cover of Estelle's "American Boy" which you can find on - gasp! - Limewire. Read more!
The Gaza Strip Bombings
I just have one thing to say about the Gaza strip bombings that occurred today by the Israeli army, in retaliation for previous bombings by Hamas: how many children have to die before we realize that physical violence is not the answer? The numbers keep growing, the destruction keeps adding up, and we have nothing to show for it when its all said and done. And although its a two-way street, and although Hamas is just as guilty of countless atrocities, I can't help but feel a little resentful at the Israeli army, and at the United States for not realizing how disproportionate the numbers are. The Palestinians are like small animals trapped in a corner. The attack that the Gaza strip is now suffering has killed at least 170 people. The initial bombing in Israel killed one person.

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Skinny Jean Mania!
Check out all the different types of people who enjoy them some skinny jeans! Pretty sexy, no? I find this post extremely relevant, being that it was once titled, "Nikes the Skinny Jeans" (I'm sporting the dynamic duo now, as a matter of fact)!
Old people like skinny jeans

Television stars like skinny jeans

Tween sensations like skinny jeans

Dumb-asses like skinny jeans

Smart-asses like skinny jeans

Black people like skinny jeans

Vampires like skinny jeans

Has-beens like skinny jeans

Even gimmicks like skinny jeans

The original post by the New York Daily News can be found here.
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Television stars like skinny jeans

Tween sensations like skinny jeans

Dumb-asses like skinny jeans

Smart-asses like skinny jeans

Black people like skinny jeans

Vampires like skinny jeans

Has-beens like skinny jeans

Even gimmicks like skinny jeans

Obama - dignified, AND sexy
Wow, who knew we were voting for the hardest body, too? I'd hate to see Hillary or McCain sans t-shirt! But this is okay with me!
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Stripper update!
So, I've been in Fresno, CA for the past couple of days visiting family. My maternal grandmother just had surgery on her intestines and has been pretty needy lately, so it was definitely important to be there this holiday season. My mom was already over her by the time we got there, though, because of her constant nagging and complaining. My sister and I kept laughing because when my mom gets the chance, she is the same exact way.
We spent lots of time with family, hanging out and drinking, mostly. It was bizarre to see how many new kids my extended family had spawned off - and many more on the way. Off the top of my head I can think of two cousins who are pregnant. My cousin Patrick and I joked about needing to put name-tags on the kids for the sake of the older veteran family members. My grandma doesn't remember anyone's name who was born after 1995.
I really enjoyed seeing my cousin Rene and her three kids - she's practically a sister, having been raised partially by my mom when she was very young. She lives with an asshole who does not appreciate her, and is disrespectful to her in every way short of physical violence. She's youthful and fun and I know that my sister, my mom and I each would love to "save" her in some way - we want to get her away from the hell that is her life.
My cousin Mike made a point to come hang out with us as well, if only for a little bit. He too is a father of three, the middle boy being adopted. Growing up, we didn't get a long, but its nice to see that we've both come a long way. He genuinely seems interested in what is going on in our lives, and he is extremely loyal and passionate about the people in his life.
The one person I was really excited to see was my cousin Patrick - I rarely get to see him, as he lives in Southern California now and spends more time with his mother's side of the family than ours, but he's really cool. Growing up, unlike Mike, Patrick and I were extremely close. We are closer in age and we enjoy a lot of the same things (and something tells me he may be gay, too.) We exchanged numbers and talked about getting together on Christmas night for my sister's birthday, but it never worked out. I guess, there's always next year.
In any case, I'm back in the city, and am going out tonight with my buddy Josh. I'll take the camera out and snap lots of photos - especially since we'll most likely be in the Castro. Ha! Read more!
We spent lots of time with family, hanging out and drinking, mostly. It was bizarre to see how many new kids my extended family had spawned off - and many more on the way. Off the top of my head I can think of two cousins who are pregnant. My cousin Patrick and I joked about needing to put name-tags on the kids for the sake of the older veteran family members. My grandma doesn't remember anyone's name who was born after 1995.
I really enjoyed seeing my cousin Rene and her three kids - she's practically a sister, having been raised partially by my mom when she was very young. She lives with an asshole who does not appreciate her, and is disrespectful to her in every way short of physical violence. She's youthful and fun and I know that my sister, my mom and I each would love to "save" her in some way - we want to get her away from the hell that is her life.
My cousin Mike made a point to come hang out with us as well, if only for a little bit. He too is a father of three, the middle boy being adopted. Growing up, we didn't get a long, but its nice to see that we've both come a long way. He genuinely seems interested in what is going on in our lives, and he is extremely loyal and passionate about the people in his life.
The one person I was really excited to see was my cousin Patrick - I rarely get to see him, as he lives in Southern California now and spends more time with his mother's side of the family than ours, but he's really cool. Growing up, unlike Mike, Patrick and I were extremely close. We are closer in age and we enjoy a lot of the same things (and something tells me he may be gay, too.) We exchanged numbers and talked about getting together on Christmas night for my sister's birthday, but it never worked out. I guess, there's always next year.
In any case, I'm back in the city, and am going out tonight with my buddy Josh. I'll take the camera out and snap lots of photos - especially since we'll most likely be in the Castro. Ha! Read more!
Hottie of the Week!
Que blasphemous! One day late! Hopefully, you'll forgive me, as I am providing an exceptionally beautiful model this week! Ay ay ay, dios mio!

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Charm School 2 Update
So, on Sunday night we finally got to see one girl take the cash - and that girl was Brandi Mahon from Rock of Love season 1.
As seen in my previous post, the top three were Destiney, Lacey and Brandi M.

After pretty much assaulting everyone who refused to donate on their final challenge, Lacey was eliminated, thus leaving Brandi M. and Destiney the final two spots.

And no, those are not sad tears. Those are happy tears! The two remaining girls spent the day with Sharon at her home in Malibu, and, after a gut-wrenching decision, Sharon decided that Brandi M. would benefit from the money the most.

Again, happy tears! Although I'm happy for her (she was one of my original picks, along with Destiney and Heather), I admit I'm going to miss the old Brandi M. You know, the one who would puke into her napkin and stuff.

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As seen in my previous post, the top three were Destiney, Lacey and Brandi M.

After pretty much assaulting everyone who refused to donate on their final challenge, Lacey was eliminated, thus leaving Brandi M. and Destiney the final two spots.

And no, those are not sad tears. Those are happy tears! The two remaining girls spent the day with Sharon at her home in Malibu, and, after a gut-wrenching decision, Sharon decided that Brandi M. would benefit from the money the most.

Again, happy tears! Although I'm happy for her (she was one of my original picks, along with Destiney and Heather), I admit I'm going to miss the old Brandi M. You know, the one who would puke into her napkin and stuff.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Mariner's Revenge Song Music Videos
"The Mariner's Revenge Song" by the Decemberists is an epic track done in Colin Meloy's cinematic and trademark storytelling form. Its a great song and tells a catching story, but because its such a long song, the Decemberists have not been able to make a video for it, thus leaving it to the hands of its fans.
Check out a couple fan videos for "The Mariner's Revenge Song." They're pretty great. Below the videos I'll post the lyrics.
The Mariner's Revenge Song
We are two mariners
Our ships' sole survivors
In this belly of a whale
Its ribs our ceiling beams
Its guts our carpeting
I guess we have some time to kill
You may not remember me
I was a child of three
And you, a lad of eighteen
But I remember you
And I will relate to you
How our histories enweave
At the time you were
A rake and a roustabout
Spending all your money
On the whores and hounds
Oh Ohhhhh
You had a charming air
All cheap and debonair
My widowed mother found so sweet
And so she took you in
Her sheets still warm with him
Now filled with filth and foul disease
As time wore on you proved
A debt-ridden drunken mess
Leaving my mother
A poor consumptive wretch
Oh Ohhhhh
And then you disappeared
Your gambling arrears
The only thing you left behind
And then the magistrate
Reclaimed our small estate
And my poor mother lost her mind
Then one day in spring
My dear sweet mother died
But before she did
I took her hand as she, dying, cried:
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
It took me fifteen years
To swallow all my tears
Among the urchins in the street
Until a priory
Took pity and hired me
To keep their vestry nice and neat
But never once in the employ
Of these holy men
Did I ever once turn my mind
From the thought of revenge
Oh Ohhhhh
One night I overheard
The Prior exchanging words
With a penitent whaler from the sea
The captain of his ship
Who matched you toe to tip
Was known for wanton cruelty
The following day
I shipped to sea
With a privateer
And in the whistle
Of the wind
I could almost hear...
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
"There is one thing I must say to you
As you sail across the sea
Always, your mother will watch over you
As you avenge this wicked deed"
[haunting, sailor-esque musical interlude lead by mandolin, accordion and tuba]
And then that fateful night
We had you in our sight
After twenty months at sea
Your starboard flank abeam
I was getting my muskets clean
When came this rumbling from beneath
The ocean shook
The sky went black
And the captain quailed
And before us grew
The angry jaws
Of a giant whale
[instrumental noise]
Oh Ohhhhhhhhhh
Don't know how I survived
The crew all was chewed alive
I must have slipped between his teeth
But, O! What providence!
What divine intelligence!
That you should survive
As well as me
It gives my heart
Great joy
To see your eyes fill with fear
So lean in close
And I will whisper
The last words you'll hear
Ohh Ohhhhh Read more!
Check out a couple fan videos for "The Mariner's Revenge Song." They're pretty great. Below the videos I'll post the lyrics.
The Mariner's Revenge Song
We are two mariners
Our ships' sole survivors
In this belly of a whale
Its ribs our ceiling beams
Its guts our carpeting
I guess we have some time to kill
You may not remember me
I was a child of three
And you, a lad of eighteen
But I remember you
And I will relate to you
How our histories enweave
At the time you were
A rake and a roustabout
Spending all your money
On the whores and hounds
Oh Ohhhhh
You had a charming air
All cheap and debonair
My widowed mother found so sweet
And so she took you in
Her sheets still warm with him
Now filled with filth and foul disease
As time wore on you proved
A debt-ridden drunken mess
Leaving my mother
A poor consumptive wretch
Oh Ohhhhh
And then you disappeared
Your gambling arrears
The only thing you left behind
And then the magistrate
Reclaimed our small estate
And my poor mother lost her mind
Then one day in spring
My dear sweet mother died
But before she did
I took her hand as she, dying, cried:
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
It took me fifteen years
To swallow all my tears
Among the urchins in the street
Until a priory
Took pity and hired me
To keep their vestry nice and neat
But never once in the employ
Of these holy men
Did I ever once turn my mind
From the thought of revenge
Oh Ohhhhh
One night I overheard
The Prior exchanging words
With a penitent whaler from the sea
The captain of his ship
Who matched you toe to tip
Was known for wanton cruelty
The following day
I shipped to sea
With a privateer
And in the whistle
Of the wind
I could almost hear...
Oh Ohhhhh
"Find him, bind him
Tie him to a pole and break
His fingers to splinters
Drag him to a hole until he
Wakes up naked
Clawing at the ceiling
Of his grave
"There is one thing I must say to you
As you sail across the sea
Always, your mother will watch over you
As you avenge this wicked deed"
[haunting, sailor-esque musical interlude lead by mandolin, accordion and tuba]
And then that fateful night
We had you in our sight
After twenty months at sea
Your starboard flank abeam
I was getting my muskets clean
When came this rumbling from beneath
The ocean shook
The sky went black
And the captain quailed
And before us grew
The angry jaws
Of a giant whale
[instrumental noise]
Oh Ohhhhhhhhhh
Don't know how I survived
The crew all was chewed alive
I must have slipped between his teeth
But, O! What providence!
What divine intelligence!
That you should survive
As well as me
It gives my heart
Great joy
To see your eyes fill with fear
So lean in close
And I will whisper
The last words you'll hear
Ohh Ohhhhh Read more!
Charm School 2: The Final Episode

Brandi M?


My money is on Brandi M., but I guess we'll see! Read more!
Monday, December 22, 2008

Finals, Fall 2008 (Part 4)
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Aerin Fenty
At last, the wait is over! Photos of Aerin Fenty have been released! The youngest Fenty was born on November 24, and her family has been pretty hush-hush about her arrival since then (some have even speculated she was a fake!). No, not really. But anyway, they're a cute family, so check them out.

PS: Adrian Fenty is the sixth (and current) mayor of Washington, DC. Read more!

PS: Adrian Fenty is the sixth (and current) mayor of Washington, DC. Read more!
Friday, December 19, 2008

Finals, Fall 2008 (Part 3)
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As we approach the winter solstice, and as Polaroid has gone ka-put, I thought it was an appropriate time to post a really awesome Polaroid of the DC sunset. Aww. Nostalgia. And you know what's even sadder? Spell-check doesn't put that creepy annoying red line underneath Polaroid. Polaroid. No go. Aww, this is sad!

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Update: Why I'm not Updating
Sorry about all the neglect. I've been busy between finals, packing, and Christmas shopping. No excuse, I know, but its been kind of a rough week (despite being off of work and getting ready for a kick-ass trip). I was thinking about selling a bunch of my old schoolbooks but I realize that I like the way my bookshelf is filling up, so I decided against it - plus, hauling a bunch of paperbacks in the rain doesn't sound too clever, either.
I did a bunch of laundry to sell a bunch of clothes back in California - problem is, I have so much I want to sell I'm not sure if I'm going to have much room for the stuff I actually want to take on the trip. I'm going to end up taking a tragically oversized bag (since United Airlines is charging extra for two bags these days) with so much room for it in the back that I'll wind up bringing back anyone who wants to come back to DC - but who would want that?
I have two finals today, and my last one tomorrow. One of my professors just emailed me my grade up until this point - an A. As long as I don't bomb the final I think I'll get an A for a final grade. I'm so excited - this is shaping up to be one of the best academic semesters I've had in recent years. And to think - people grimaced when they found out I was taking 18 credits AND working full time!
Tomorrow evening, I get on a plate to San Francisco, and get in around 8. I plan on dumping my stuff and heading out for a night on the town. I'm so excited - I need to coordinate something with my dad for breakfast/brunch in the morning.
In any case - this is why I've been kind of negligent of my blog for the past couple of days. I promise to stay up to date in San Francisco, and to even post lots of pictures.
Au revoir! Read more!
I did a bunch of laundry to sell a bunch of clothes back in California - problem is, I have so much I want to sell I'm not sure if I'm going to have much room for the stuff I actually want to take on the trip. I'm going to end up taking a tragically oversized bag (since United Airlines is charging extra for two bags these days) with so much room for it in the back that I'll wind up bringing back anyone who wants to come back to DC - but who would want that?
I have two finals today, and my last one tomorrow. One of my professors just emailed me my grade up until this point - an A. As long as I don't bomb the final I think I'll get an A for a final grade. I'm so excited - this is shaping up to be one of the best academic semesters I've had in recent years. And to think - people grimaced when they found out I was taking 18 credits AND working full time!
Tomorrow evening, I get on a plate to San Francisco, and get in around 8. I plan on dumping my stuff and heading out for a night on the town. I'm so excited - I need to coordinate something with my dad for breakfast/brunch in the morning.
In any case - this is why I've been kind of negligent of my blog for the past couple of days. I promise to stay up to date in San Francisco, and to even post lots of pictures.
Au revoir! Read more!
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