Banjee Power
Banjee Power is the project of Ab Soto, a brilliant artist from California. Catch up with his blog here, but beware - it's very NSFW. If you're in your cubicle, enjoy the video below. New boyfriend!
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Story of My Life
This fun segment is going to be called "Story of My Life" because they are images that I really can relate to.
Also, they are images that I needed to move out of my "Crap" file on my desktop because they've been there forever. However, they all have one thing in common - they say way more about me than I could ever say about them.

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Also, they are images that I needed to move out of my "Crap" file on my desktop because they've been there forever. However, they all have one thing in common - they say way more about me than I could ever say about them.

Hottie of the Week
To make up for the lack of a hottie last week, I'm adding in some extra beef this time. Enjoy. More pics below the cut.

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Hot N' Bothered
The weather in DC is probably not only one of the things I'll miss the least when I leave here for good, but also one of the things I quite frankly hate about this damned city. Its been so hot and sticky that I need to change my underwear and socks midday, not to mention the chaffing that has begun to occur on my legs. I've lost all hair on my thighs. Its a losing battle.
Lots of people say that the weather is their favorite thing about DC, but I can't stand it. Call me crazy, but I miss the predictability of San Francisco weather - the sixty degrees every day, the need for a sweater and maybe even an umbrella - the brisk winds that push you as you hurry down the street.
Sleet, hail, freezing sidewalks, swamp-ass and hot humid rain? Not my cup of tea.
In any case, things have been slopping along as usual here. Angela comes in on Friday, which is exciting. She's bringing her sister with her who's never been to DC before, so I'll have to post lots of pictures of our exciting times at the Mall and such.
Keli is cooking for us tonight, which should be good, and I'm seeing Amy for a patio-tranny lunch. If its not raining, of course. Read more!
Lots of people say that the weather is their favorite thing about DC, but I can't stand it. Call me crazy, but I miss the predictability of San Francisco weather - the sixty degrees every day, the need for a sweater and maybe even an umbrella - the brisk winds that push you as you hurry down the street.
Sleet, hail, freezing sidewalks, swamp-ass and hot humid rain? Not my cup of tea.
In any case, things have been slopping along as usual here. Angela comes in on Friday, which is exciting. She's bringing her sister with her who's never been to DC before, so I'll have to post lots of pictures of our exciting times at the Mall and such.
Keli is cooking for us tonight, which should be good, and I'm seeing Amy for a patio-tranny lunch. If its not raining, of course. Read more!
Obama Blow-Up Doll
Now I've seen it all! Poor Barack. If you think his policies and legislation is screwing us over, now you can screw him over in return. Yuck.
I wonder if there were ever blow-up dolls for previous presidents, or their respective First Ladies?
Not that I'd ever consider buying one, but I wonder how much they go for....

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I wonder if there were ever blow-up dolls for previous presidents, or their respective First Ladies?
Not that I'd ever consider buying one, but I wonder how much they go for....

Wizard of Oz Versus Pink Floyd
So, you know all those rumors/urban legends about how Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" synchs up eerily with Hollywood and technicolor classic "The Wizard of Oz?" I heard about this legend as far back as middle school, but always thought it was just a rumor. Last night, however, it occured to me that someone had probably synched it up and made it happen on Youtube already, which THEY DID!
And guess what? Its very, very creepy.
Check it out for yourself. In this first part of six, notice how, as Dorothy balances on the fence over the pigpen, the words, "Balanced on the biggest wave you race towards an early grave." When Syd Barrett sings "early grave," Dorothy falls into the pit.
Also, at 2:46 when Barrett sings "Don't leave me," Dorothy walks away.
The tempo synchs up as well. What other weird parallels do you notice?
Below the cut you'll find the last five installments. If you only have time/patience to watch one, watch 3 or 5. Amazing.
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And guess what? Its very, very creepy.
Check it out for yourself. In this first part of six, notice how, as Dorothy balances on the fence over the pigpen, the words, "Balanced on the biggest wave you race towards an early grave." When Syd Barrett sings "early grave," Dorothy falls into the pit.
Also, at 2:46 when Barrett sings "Don't leave me," Dorothy walks away.
The tempo synchs up as well. What other weird parallels do you notice?
Below the cut you'll find the last five installments. If you only have time/patience to watch one, watch 3 or 5. Amazing.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"500 Days of Summer" Review

"This is not a love story. This is a story about love." This is the tag-line for "500 Days of Summer," but I have to disagree. Nothing about the film is new, having been been chewed up and puked out by the Julia Roberts' and Tom Hanks' of days gone by. In fact, this movie could be called "500 Things I've Already Seen" and it would probably be more appropriately titled. That being said, I loved it, and felt like it was written, directed, acted and edited just for me. Now, I feel like that says more about myself as a person than it does about the film, but unless you have a few hours, lets stick to critiquing the movie.
The story is simple - Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets Summer (Zooey Deschanel), and falls head over heels in love with her. The movie is not told in a linear way, however - the film jumps from day 499 of their relationship to day 1, and everywhere in between so that the audience has to piece together the rough date of their break up to the rough date of their first conjugal ... encounter (which is rather early, in my opinion).
Like any other relationship, Tom and Summer begin to get into regular fights, and the audience gets to see their relationship deteriorate. Tom, being the optimist and a believer in true love, fights to save the relationship, and the film seems to echo his memory as he searches for the specific moment and place where the relationship turned sour.
While there are many films on love that analyze the notion of soul mates and fate, what separates "500" from the rest is the frequent association many movie protagonists and heroines have of deeming just one person "the one." Midway through the film, the audience will irrevocably want to stick Summer's face into a frying pan, but what she teaches Tom, along with all of those watching, is that we are frequently wrong about who are soul-mates are ... but that does not mean they do not exist.
In conclusion, the only gripe I had with the movie was its tag-line. The film was beautifully edited, acted and made me want to fall in love again, which was one of it's goals. Including a season like summer into the headline, along with naming a central character the same was an obvious way for the writer to say that there will be many more "Summers" in the future. Read more!
Michael Jackson at 40
A while back, a magazine did some computerized aging of celebrities to see what they would look like in the year 2000. This was done before Michael Jackson's skin bleaching and the Sphinxing of his nose.
Check it out.

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Check it out.

Craigslist: A Series
Story of my life!
DC Hot Mess Gay Community - m4m - 99 (DC)
Date: 2009-07-25, 12:48PM EDT
I don't get it. Am I missing something? Why does the ratio of gay douche bag outweigh the non-douche bag gay by 99 to 1 in this town? I have never seen such a large population of insecure self hating gays in my life. There are so many guys in this town who are beautiful, smart, funny and healthy but then it seems they are some how made to feel bad about themselves and become these insecure self hating tools. I hope that some guys will grow a pair and find the security to stop hating themselves and others and just "be". And thank you to the guys out there who are geniuine.
BTW whats up with all the bottoms!? !
Location: DC Read more!
DC Hot Mess Gay Community - m4m - 99 (DC)
Date: 2009-07-25, 12:48PM EDT
I don't get it. Am I missing something? Why does the ratio of gay douche bag outweigh the non-douche bag gay by 99 to 1 in this town? I have never seen such a large population of insecure self hating gays in my life. There are so many guys in this town who are beautiful, smart, funny and healthy but then it seems they are some how made to feel bad about themselves and become these insecure self hating tools. I hope that some guys will grow a pair and find the security to stop hating themselves and others and just "be". And thank you to the guys out there who are geniuine.
BTW whats up with all the bottoms!? !
Location: DC Read more!
Saturday, July 25, 2009

American Apparel Ad
Girl, you are doing too much. With AA's obscure and sexually irrelevant ad campaign, even I'd say this is taking it too far. Who are they marketing to? I guarantee no tops shop there.

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Money Saved
I'm a really bad saver! But I've managed to hold on to some of my cash that I've made so far and put it into the bank for Berlin. So much to prepare for, so much to do, so little time left. I'm really excited about it, but for the first time in maybe two years, I actually have free time. I want to catch up on video games and on sleep and on books. I don't want to work.
So I've been kind of half-assing my search for a second job, claiming that none of the jobs will work. For the most part, this is true. I don't want to pick up an office job or something legit if I'm only going to quit after a month of working there. I don't mind doing that to a restaurant, what with all the high turnover, but I don't want to screw Commonwealth over, either. I want to be able to work only daytimes and have it be pretty chill and drama-free. Maybe I'm shooting for the stars.
In any case, I have tons to do today and I probably shouldn't be blogging, but I couldn't care less. I feel like time for slacking off is running out. I need to enjoy it before its all gone. Read more!
So I've been kind of half-assing my search for a second job, claiming that none of the jobs will work. For the most part, this is true. I don't want to pick up an office job or something legit if I'm only going to quit after a month of working there. I don't mind doing that to a restaurant, what with all the high turnover, but I don't want to screw Commonwealth over, either. I want to be able to work only daytimes and have it be pretty chill and drama-free. Maybe I'm shooting for the stars.
In any case, I have tons to do today and I probably shouldn't be blogging, but I couldn't care less. I feel like time for slacking off is running out. I need to enjoy it before its all gone. Read more!
Remembering Rock of Love Bus
Even though Rock of Love Bus may be over, we can still enjoy gems like these if we search hard enough. "People who eat basil are lame!"
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

The bikes and the underwear kind of cancel each other out, don't they? I think this may be the first draw I've ever seen!

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Life Goes On....
So, this year, I've struggled with two things - finishing school, and getting over my relationship with Rob.
Now, school was a given. I'm still kind of fighting the uphill battle. I bite my nails down to the cuticles every time I log onto Testudo, fearing that D I may get in Shakespeare. But for the most part, its over, and all I have within me is this void I've never experienced, where my life has no direction, for the first time in a long time. And although everyone is telling me that should be scary, it isn't.
Love is the second thing that I've struggled with. I am finally dating again. Who would have thought? I always knew that hardships came in threes, but I never knew the same was true of dates. Pretty cool, huh? There is one guy in particular that I like above all the others, but we'll just have to see where things go.
In any case, I've been trying to pull my shit together for my passport, so we'll see how that goes!
Love! Read more!
Now, school was a given. I'm still kind of fighting the uphill battle. I bite my nails down to the cuticles every time I log onto Testudo, fearing that D I may get in Shakespeare. But for the most part, its over, and all I have within me is this void I've never experienced, where my life has no direction, for the first time in a long time. And although everyone is telling me that should be scary, it isn't.
Love is the second thing that I've struggled with. I am finally dating again. Who would have thought? I always knew that hardships came in threes, but I never knew the same was true of dates. Pretty cool, huh? There is one guy in particular that I like above all the others, but we'll just have to see where things go.
In any case, I've been trying to pull my shit together for my passport, so we'll see how that goes!
Love! Read more!
Monday, July 13, 2009

Hottie of the Week
Hottie of the Week feels like more of a Friday occasion, don't you think?
PS: I'm revamping this site now that I'm no longer in school. Stay posted for new changes/features ;).
And, as always, more pics under the cut!

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PS: I'm revamping this site now that I'm no longer in school. Stay posted for new changes/features ;).
And, as always, more pics under the cut!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sour Video - Amazing!
An amazing video! Love it! Check it out, you'll be "wow"ed.
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SOUR / 日々の音色 (Hibi no Neiro) MV from Magico Nakamura on Vimeo.
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thoughts of the Day
Graduation. Graduating. Finally.
The final day has come, and I'm more freaked out than ever. I never thought I'd be scared about graduating, about my uncertain future the same way lots of people are afraid. I like letting life surprise me - I like winding up in places where I didn't think I'd be. Maybe this is why I have such an unhealthy affinity for dive bars.
But I'm scared. Its the same fear that has occurred for every semester at Maryland - maybe because I hadn't secured a loan at that time, or I was worried about a grade in one class, or I was stressed because it only meant more work or less money over the summer. I don't know. This time it is because of one stupid class, and one stupid grade that could keep me here another semester. Yuck.
But whatever the case, I'm so close that I can brush my fingers on it with my fingertips. It feels smooth and cold - but not a bad cold. Like a paleta on a summer day. Like the empty pillow lying next to you as you drift off to sleep. Read more!
The final day has come, and I'm more freaked out than ever. I never thought I'd be scared about graduating, about my uncertain future the same way lots of people are afraid. I like letting life surprise me - I like winding up in places where I didn't think I'd be. Maybe this is why I have such an unhealthy affinity for dive bars.
But I'm scared. Its the same fear that has occurred for every semester at Maryland - maybe because I hadn't secured a loan at that time, or I was worried about a grade in one class, or I was stressed because it only meant more work or less money over the summer. I don't know. This time it is because of one stupid class, and one stupid grade that could keep me here another semester. Yuck.
But whatever the case, I'm so close that I can brush my fingers on it with my fingertips. It feels smooth and cold - but not a bad cold. Like a paleta on a summer day. Like the empty pillow lying next to you as you drift off to sleep. Read more!
Gay Hipster
I know this guy's banana yellow pants are slightly distracting, but I definitely think he's cute. Maybe a two-parter?

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Racey Burger King Ad
Well, well. I guess we're taking the subliminal out of the message, huh? I guess its fair to put it all out there as long as its not nudity, but even then I'm not entirely convinced.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Megan Wants a Millionaire Trailer
Hmm, it seems as though all you need to do to get a TV show on Vh1 is A) get eliminated on a previous show and B) get attacked at the reunion. Sounds easy enough, right?
Megan Hauserman is the next Celeb-reality "star" (I feel like assteroid works better) to get her own show, and below you can find the supertrailer. What do you think? Will you watch?
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Megan Hauserman is the next Celeb-reality "star" (I feel like assteroid works better) to get her own show, and below you can find the supertrailer. What do you think? Will you watch?
I guess I've cared far more about getting passing grades and actually learning something in my final semester at school than I originally thought I would. For the past two semesters I've spent a good deal of class time updating this dumb blog, and now I suppose, with school ending this week, I will probably forget about it.
I hope not. It may be my only connection to many of my friends for two and a half months while I'm in Germany. Right now, all my life revolves around school, but in a while it'll be around working and getting things together for my departure. I still don't even have my passport! And before I get that, I need to get my ID. I guess my Friday lunch is planned out for me, huh? Georgetown, here I come!
What do you think? Can I get in shape physically, mentally, can I be prepared for the big event?
We'll see! Read more!
I hope not. It may be my only connection to many of my friends for two and a half months while I'm in Germany. Right now, all my life revolves around school, but in a while it'll be around working and getting things together for my departure. I still don't even have my passport! And before I get that, I need to get my ID. I guess my Friday lunch is planned out for me, huh? Georgetown, here I come!
What do you think? Can I get in shape physically, mentally, can I be prepared for the big event?
We'll see! Read more!
Stripper Update
I've been pretty good, I guess. The second to the last week of school is rapping up, and, after a great birthday weekend (that kind of bled into this week), I'm feelings ready to end with a bang. Yeah, that's right - a gunshot to the head.
No, not really. The weather is surprisingly good today, I'm on top of all my homework, and I have plans with my friends this evening, which is something that I look forward to more than is probably healthy.
Trying not to stress over the little things has helped me a ton to be happier in my life. Money, school, love? None of them are an issue right now, if only because I know things will work out in the end. Its kind of like my version of "everything happens for a reason," which is something my dad always says. But its true. What will be will be, and you can't stress over the little things.
I try not to, anymore. Read more!
No, not really. The weather is surprisingly good today, I'm on top of all my homework, and I have plans with my friends this evening, which is something that I look forward to more than is probably healthy.
Trying not to stress over the little things has helped me a ton to be happier in my life. Money, school, love? None of them are an issue right now, if only because I know things will work out in the end. Its kind of like my version of "everything happens for a reason," which is something my dad always says. But its true. What will be will be, and you can't stress over the little things.
I try not to, anymore. Read more!
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Craigslist: A Series
Sometimes, free stuff on Craigslist just can't get any more sad and disgraceful.
Free couch, if you can bend time and/or space
Date: 2009-05-25, 3:56PM MDT
I have a free couch for anyone who can get it back out of my room.
It's a comfy couch, cool stripe velvet in great shape, impossibly uncomfortable sleeper, but otherwise easily worth $50-75 bucks in Craigslist land.
So why am I listing in for free? Because I am pretty sure it is physically impossible to remove this thing from my second story bedroom down the narrow hallway, down the narrower staircase and out the front door of my little Victorian duplex. How did we get it up here in the first place? Magic... well, it did involve taking several doors off the hinges, 4 people, and about 3 1/2 hours of cursing the gods. However, I don't feel like doing it all again, and I'm not about to have a stranger (no offense) taking apart my house for a deal on a sofa.
So, if you can bend space and miraculously make this thing fit, such powers shall be awarded with a free couch. Likewise, if you can alter time and go back to when we first bought the monstrosity and prevent us from attempting to bring it upstairs in the first place, you shall also have the honor of owning this couch bestowed on you.
Or if you lack these powers and still really want it, you can have it... in pieces, BYOS (bring your own saw) Read more!
Free couch, if you can bend time and/or space
Date: 2009-05-25, 3:56PM MDT
I have a free couch for anyone who can get it back out of my room.
It's a comfy couch, cool stripe velvet in great shape, impossibly uncomfortable sleeper, but otherwise easily worth $50-75 bucks in Craigslist land.
So why am I listing in for free? Because I am pretty sure it is physically impossible to remove this thing from my second story bedroom down the narrow hallway, down the narrower staircase and out the front door of my little Victorian duplex. How did we get it up here in the first place? Magic... well, it did involve taking several doors off the hinges, 4 people, and about 3 1/2 hours of cursing the gods. However, I don't feel like doing it all again, and I'm not about to have a stranger (no offense) taking apart my house for a deal on a sofa.
So, if you can bend space and miraculously make this thing fit, such powers shall be awarded with a free couch. Likewise, if you can alter time and go back to when we first bought the monstrosity and prevent us from attempting to bring it upstairs in the first place, you shall also have the honor of owning this couch bestowed on you.
Or if you lack these powers and still really want it, you can have it... in pieces, BYOS (bring your own saw) Read more!
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