Hot N' Bothered

The weather in DC is probably not only one of the things I'll miss the least when I leave here for good, but also one of the things I quite frankly hate about this damned city. Its been so hot and sticky that I need to change my underwear and socks midday, not to mention the chaffing that has begun to occur on my legs. I've lost all hair on my thighs. Its a losing battle.

Lots of people say that the weather is their favorite thing about DC, but I can't stand it. Call me crazy, but I miss the predictability of San Francisco weather - the sixty degrees every day, the need for a sweater and maybe even an umbrella - the brisk winds that push you as you hurry down the street.

Sleet, hail, freezing sidewalks, swamp-ass and hot humid rain? Not my cup of tea.

In any case, things have been slopping along as usual here. Angela comes in on Friday, which is exciting. She's bringing her sister with her who's never been to DC before, so I'll have to post lots of pictures of our exciting times at the Mall and such.

Keli is cooking for us tonight, which should be good, and I'm seeing Amy for a patio-tranny lunch. If its not raining, of course.

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