Gay Sign Language
This cute guy made a cute video of him signing cute things to his (probably) cute deaf boyfriend. Enjoy.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ex-Lovers Update
I guess I'm writing here because I realize I don't really use any outlets anymore to express how I feel. My friends have become a number one resource, but I get the feeling sometimes that most of them are tired of hearing about the same old shit, day in and day out. They think I sound crazy when I speak, they should be in my head. They wouldn't know what to think.
So much has happened in my last update. I've celebrated my favorite holiday (Halloween), had two of my best friends from California visit (Melissa and Angela), been on several (good) dates, and things with Lance don't show any sign of getting less complicated any time soon. As fate would have it, a can of worms is only good if it spills all over the place and makes a big mess. In this case, I'm the one who has kicked over the can, thrown it against the wall and splattered the contents all over my face.
I suppose I should be less harsh on myself. In the past, exes have told me that I don't take enough responsibility for my actions. Sometimes, when I get into the gory details of the things that go on in my (failed) relationships with my friends, even they tell me the same thing. The drama with Lance was nothing but my fault, and I fully accept that fact. My friends tell me to move on, that I'm a dime, that I'm better than this, etc .... but I keep going back and finding more things that I did wrong. And the more I find things that I did wrong, the more I want to forgive and go back and make things right.
Sorry to keep things so vague in this post. I suppose there are far too many details to cover, and I want to keep this post relatively short. It does feel good to get some of this out, though. I think I should update more often again. Especially since I sit in front of a desk 8 - 10 hours a day these days. Read more!
So much has happened in my last update. I've celebrated my favorite holiday (Halloween), had two of my best friends from California visit (Melissa and Angela), been on several (good) dates, and things with Lance don't show any sign of getting less complicated any time soon. As fate would have it, a can of worms is only good if it spills all over the place and makes a big mess. In this case, I'm the one who has kicked over the can, thrown it against the wall and splattered the contents all over my face.
I suppose I should be less harsh on myself. In the past, exes have told me that I don't take enough responsibility for my actions. Sometimes, when I get into the gory details of the things that go on in my (failed) relationships with my friends, even they tell me the same thing. The drama with Lance was nothing but my fault, and I fully accept that fact. My friends tell me to move on, that I'm a dime, that I'm better than this, etc .... but I keep going back and finding more things that I did wrong. And the more I find things that I did wrong, the more I want to forgive and go back and make things right.
Sorry to keep things so vague in this post. I suppose there are far too many details to cover, and I want to keep this post relatively short. It does feel good to get some of this out, though. I think I should update more often again. Especially since I sit in front of a desk 8 - 10 hours a day these days. Read more!
Thrush: An Entire Relationship Told Through Photos
I love this - its only four minutes long, so check it out. The fact that this film makes me want to say, "been there, done that" at every twist and turn only represents a fraction of why I love it so much.
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Thrush from Gabriel Bisset-Smith on Vimeo.
Monday, October 25, 2010

Help! I Need a New Watch!
Okay, so my usage of the word "need" is a little loose here, but I really want a new watch. Let me know which one you like best.
Also - they are listed, from most expensive to least. Of course, I am leaning towards purchasing the most expensive, but I am also partial to the least expensive - only because of its simplicity. Thoughts?

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Also - they are listed, from most expensive to least. Of course, I am leaning towards purchasing the most expensive, but I am also partial to the least expensive - only because of its simplicity. Thoughts?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween: The Poor Decisions Edition
Every year, my brother Art, my sister and I get really excited about our Halloween costumes and exchange ideas. Some of the ideas are really good. Some of the ideas are really bad. And some of the ideas are really, REALLY bad.
In researching Halloween costumes for this year's festivities, I have found many beautiful disasters that would make any typical "ghost" or "vampire" clichés seem like a more appropriate route. Here are some of them.
Evil Ronald McDonald

A Living Room Transformer


Planet of the Apes

A ... frog? Or a Leeran from the Animorphs series?

The Little Mermaid and Sebastian

A bloody ninja pad?

Those guys who offered you free candy from their white van?

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In researching Halloween costumes for this year's festivities, I have found many beautiful disasters that would make any typical "ghost" or "vampire" clichés seem like a more appropriate route. Here are some of them.

A Living Room Transformer


Planet of the Apes

A ... frog? Or a Leeran from the Animorphs series?

The Little Mermaid and Sebastian

A bloody ninja pad?

Those guys who offered you free candy from their white van?

Antoine Dodson and the American Dream
So, anyone who knows me well knows I am obsessed with Internet memes. This one, however, has spiraled out of control because of its ridiculous popularity.
This was Antoine Dodson's introduction into the world of the Internet - in interviews since, he has stated that he never in a million years thought his recounting of an attempted rape of his sister would ever be so well-received ... and, well, hilarious.
Here it is:
Now, those nice boys who "Autotune the News" (the Gregory Brothers) became instantaneous fans, and saw an opportunity to create a song out of Dodson's interview. The song became an instant hit, and even sells on iTunes now. Crazy, right? Here's the song:
Amazing. It has since taken it to the next level - that's right, a performance on live TV at the 2010 BET Awards. So proud of you, Dodson, my boy! Watch the performance here, with one of the Gregory Brothers. Love it!
Enjoy! And believe it - dreams really do come true! Read more!
This was Antoine Dodson's introduction into the world of the Internet - in interviews since, he has stated that he never in a million years thought his recounting of an attempted rape of his sister would ever be so well-received ... and, well, hilarious.
Here it is:
Now, those nice boys who "Autotune the News" (the Gregory Brothers) became instantaneous fans, and saw an opportunity to create a song out of Dodson's interview. The song became an instant hit, and even sells on iTunes now. Crazy, right? Here's the song:
Amazing. It has since taken it to the next level - that's right, a performance on live TV at the 2010 BET Awards. So proud of you, Dodson, my boy! Watch the performance here, with one of the Gregory Brothers. Love it!
Enjoy! And believe it - dreams really do come true! Read more!
Justin Bieber is a presumptuous little piece of shit

Really, Bieber? Kurt Cobain? You're the Justin Timberlake of your generation - MAYBE. Although I think Lindsay Lohan's fate has its eyes set on you. Read more!
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Love Money 4: Episode 1 Recap
So, I Love Money 4 premiered last week (actually, exactly a week ago) and I have yet to update on it for no good reason other than laziness. So here we go.
As per usual, Craig Jackson's voice introduces the characters as the burned rejects from previous assorted Vh1 programming - namely, the "of love" shows and their spin-offs. Something I noticed right off the bat (and with the trailer) was that there were noticeably no Flavor of Love girls. Breaking my heart, here, Vh1. Breaking my heart.
However, there are some "colorful" characters on the show. Mamacita, the flamboyant Mexican chick from Real Chance of Love 2 makes her television redebut, as well as Brittanya, one of my personal favorites from Rock of Love Bus.
There are eighteen players who arrive on the beach to begin the game, which is an unusual number for I Love Money. In previous seasons, an odd number of players arrives, and one is left out at the end of the episode when the winners of the challenge select their teams in a dodge-ball style round of elimination.
The first challenge is on the beach, and is a battle within the sexes - referred to as the Safecracker Challenge. The players, in two heats - male, then female - must spin a bar around until a safe cracks open. Then, they have to grab a handle inside the safe to open another safe which contains money to be counted - which adds up the combination number of the last safe. The NEXT safe contains rope which they have to use to pull yet another safe high into the air to drop onto the ground. The last key detonates the final safe, releasing a flag which denotes which colored team they are on. There will be one female captain, and one male captain.
On the men's heat, Cheezy, Alex and Garth prove to be the weakest men. Francisco, from Megan Wants a Millionaire, manages to become team captain. During the women's heat, Cornfed, Mindy, and Mamacita are the slowest and are eliminated first. IN the end, however, Blonde Baller wins the challenge.
Green Team Captain versus. Gold Team Captain

When the cast gets to the mansion where they will be living (for as many episodes as they last), the scheming, ass-kissing, and back-stabbing that made us grow so fond of these shady characters in the first place immediately begins. Punisher, who is no fan of Francisco, vows to have his back. Brittanya is all over Blonde Baller, as is Cheezy, who feels the need to drink a lot of tequila "to keep up" and "prove" he is tough. Other characters get into fights with one another, like Marcia and Mamacita, who cannot seem to get along despite quite possibly being the same exact person.
Of course, there is also flirtation - Mindy wants Francisco, Mamacita wants Alex, Chi Chi wants Brittanya, Brittanya slept with 20 Pack - etc. Things are already looking sloppy, and its not even elimination yet.
When elimination arrives, it becomes pretty clear who is unsafe going in - Mamacita and Marcia are on the chopping block, as is Cheezy and Punisher. Blonde Baller made a deal with Francisco that if he didn't pick Marcia, she wouldn't select Punisher, thus getting rid of two tough competitors of their same gender. Although it looks like Blonde Baller is going to keep up her end of the bargain, she ends up pulling Punisher onto her team, thus making her team much stronger then Francisco's. Francisco is livid, and chooses Marcia to be on his team.
Blonde Baller gets last pick of two men - Brooklyn and Cheezy. Honestly, I don't know why Brooklyn was in the bottom two. He seems large and athletic, and could possibly be an asset. In the end, however, Blonde Baller picks Brooklyn, thus breaking her second deal of the night, showing her to be the shady character we already knew she was.
It comes down to Cornfed and Mamacita. Francisco chooses Cornfed based on Mamacita's sloppiness and inability to pull herself together for a nanosecond. She ends her time in Mexico with one of the best rants of all time, "Look at me! Loooook at meeeee!"
End result? Both these kids eliminated:

Stay tuned for more info. I promise my next update will be livelier, and more timely.
And, oh yeah - You can watch the full episode without commercials here. Enjoy! Read more!
As per usual, Craig Jackson's voice introduces the characters as the burned rejects from previous assorted Vh1 programming - namely, the "of love" shows and their spin-offs. Something I noticed right off the bat (and with the trailer) was that there were noticeably no Flavor of Love girls. Breaking my heart, here, Vh1. Breaking my heart.
However, there are some "colorful" characters on the show. Mamacita, the flamboyant Mexican chick from Real Chance of Love 2 makes her television redebut, as well as Brittanya, one of my personal favorites from Rock of Love Bus.
There are eighteen players who arrive on the beach to begin the game, which is an unusual number for I Love Money. In previous seasons, an odd number of players arrives, and one is left out at the end of the episode when the winners of the challenge select their teams in a dodge-ball style round of elimination.
The first challenge is on the beach, and is a battle within the sexes - referred to as the Safecracker Challenge. The players, in two heats - male, then female - must spin a bar around until a safe cracks open. Then, they have to grab a handle inside the safe to open another safe which contains money to be counted - which adds up the combination number of the last safe. The NEXT safe contains rope which they have to use to pull yet another safe high into the air to drop onto the ground. The last key detonates the final safe, releasing a flag which denotes which colored team they are on. There will be one female captain, and one male captain.
On the men's heat, Cheezy, Alex and Garth prove to be the weakest men. Francisco, from Megan Wants a Millionaire, manages to become team captain. During the women's heat, Cornfed, Mindy, and Mamacita are the slowest and are eliminated first. IN the end, however, Blonde Baller wins the challenge.

When the cast gets to the mansion where they will be living (for as many episodes as they last), the scheming, ass-kissing, and back-stabbing that made us grow so fond of these shady characters in the first place immediately begins. Punisher, who is no fan of Francisco, vows to have his back. Brittanya is all over Blonde Baller, as is Cheezy, who feels the need to drink a lot of tequila "to keep up" and "prove" he is tough. Other characters get into fights with one another, like Marcia and Mamacita, who cannot seem to get along despite quite possibly being the same exact person.
Of course, there is also flirtation - Mindy wants Francisco, Mamacita wants Alex, Chi Chi wants Brittanya, Brittanya slept with 20 Pack - etc. Things are already looking sloppy, and its not even elimination yet.
When elimination arrives, it becomes pretty clear who is unsafe going in - Mamacita and Marcia are on the chopping block, as is Cheezy and Punisher. Blonde Baller made a deal with Francisco that if he didn't pick Marcia, she wouldn't select Punisher, thus getting rid of two tough competitors of their same gender. Although it looks like Blonde Baller is going to keep up her end of the bargain, she ends up pulling Punisher onto her team, thus making her team much stronger then Francisco's. Francisco is livid, and chooses Marcia to be on his team.
Blonde Baller gets last pick of two men - Brooklyn and Cheezy. Honestly, I don't know why Brooklyn was in the bottom two. He seems large and athletic, and could possibly be an asset. In the end, however, Blonde Baller picks Brooklyn, thus breaking her second deal of the night, showing her to be the shady character we already knew she was.
It comes down to Cornfed and Mamacita. Francisco chooses Cornfed based on Mamacita's sloppiness and inability to pull herself together for a nanosecond. She ends her time in Mexico with one of the best rants of all time, "Look at me! Loooook at meeeee!"
End result? Both these kids eliminated:

Stay tuned for more info. I promise my next update will be livelier, and more timely.
And, oh yeah - You can watch the full episode without commercials here. Enjoy! Read more!
Gay Hipster
Haven't done one of these in a while - and, to be honest, I don't even know if this model is gay. But he sure is cute, isn't he?

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Dancing for Gender Equality
Two guys (at least one of them is a porn star, I'm sure) dancing for gender equality. Apparently, there is an abundance of videos of girls dancing in their underwear on Youtube, but videos of men dancing in their underwear are almost instantly taken down.
These two good looking guys try to fight the system by dancing identically to two girls in another video - which conveniently pops up in the top right corner of the screen.
Have fun watching this one, although I don't recommend doing it at work!
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These two good looking guys try to fight the system by dancing identically to two girls in another video - which conveniently pops up in the top right corner of the screen.
Have fun watching this one, although I don't recommend doing it at work!
Optimus Prime VS. Jesus
I know we've all wondered who would win. But this chart breaks it down, and there is actually a pretty clear winner. Enjoy.

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One Night Stand
A short film by Jack Tew and David Humphreys. Very cute, and yeah ... "been there, done that."
Enjoy! Read more!
One Night Stand from Jack Tew on Vimeo.
Enjoy! Read more!
Friday, September 17, 2010

Hipster Superheroes
So cute! Which ones are your favorites? I love Xavier the best.
Iron Man





The Hulk

Taken from College Humor here. Read more!






The Hulk

Taken from College Humor here. Read more!
I Love Money 4 Cast
Part of the reason (aside from laziness) I stopped doing the I Love Money 3 episode recaps is because season 4 is upon us - starting tonight at 11pm (set your DVRs, folks). Although I'm not a huge fan of the cast, I look forward to tuning in. There will surely be an update later this week on how the episode went. So, the cast:
20 Pack (I Love New York 2)

6 Gauge (Daisy of Love)

Alex (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Blonde Baller (Real Chance of Love 2)
Brittanya (Rock of Love Bus)

Brooklyn (Daisy of Love)

Cheezy (I Love New York 2)

Chi Chi (Daisy of Love)

Corn Fed (Real Chance of Love)

Feisty (For the Love of Ray J)

Francisco (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Garth (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Hot Wings (Real Chance of Love 2)

Mamacita (Real Chance of Love 2)

Marcia (Rock of Love Bus)

Mindy (Rock of Love Bus)

The Punisher (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Sassy (Real Chance of Love 2)

Hot! I'm looking forward to it. Who are your picks to win? If you haven't seen it yet, here's the trailer, too:
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6 Gauge (Daisy of Love)

Alex (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Blonde Baller (Real Chance of Love 2)

Brittanya (Rock of Love Bus)

Brooklyn (Daisy of Love)

Cheezy (I Love New York 2)

Chi Chi (Daisy of Love)

Corn Fed (Real Chance of Love)

Feisty (For the Love of Ray J)

Francisco (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Garth (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Hot Wings (Real Chance of Love 2)

Mamacita (Real Chance of Love 2)

Marcia (Rock of Love Bus)

Mindy (Rock of Love Bus)

The Punisher (Megan Wants a Millionaire)

Sassy (Real Chance of Love 2)

Hot! I'm looking forward to it. Who are your picks to win? If you haven't seen it yet, here's the trailer, too:
Thursday, September 16, 2010

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