
So, I saw Rob tonight. He was standing behind me and I knew it because all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and Steve prodded me with his knee and the lighting fell into my eyes so precisely that I could see the reflection of his eyes inside of my corneas. As I turned my head to look at him, his eyes darted away, and his body was slumped against the wall like a doll, broken with burned hopes and alcohol.

He was there with Carmen and Eric. I waved gently to him when he met my gaze, but he simply looked away. And the feeling I got was something like:

A) seeing a ghost.
B) getting kicked in the groin.
C) walking in on your parents having sex.
D) falling down a flight of stairs.
E) walking into a classroom already in session.
F) listening to music that made you cringe because someone else liked it.
G) opening a bathroom stall on someone who was pooping.
H) being walked in on while pooping.
I) finding your sister's pregnancy tests.
J) being alone in the woods.
K) eating a stick of butter when you thought it was cheese.
L) burning your hand on something someone just said was hot.
M) eating something that was rotten.
N) keeping a dish from a restaurant because you thought it was pretty.
O) hitting a dog.
P) hitting your mom.
Q) making fun of someone who couldn't see.
R) spitting into the air only for it to hit your face.
S) stealing candy from a child.
T) ripping the crotch of your pants.
U) cutting yourself with a piece of paper.
V) a cow falling over on you.
W) getting your third serving of cake or ice cream.
X) falling from an airplane without a parachute.
Y) ripping the wings off of a butterfly.
Z) seeing your ex-boyfriend, lonely and depressed.

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