Men at Their Most Masculine

There was this really great photography piece I saw recently which struck a chord with me - photographer Chad States from Philadelphia put up ads on Craigslist asking, "Are you masculine?," then proceeded to meet up with those who responded and photograph them. However, he wasn't simply asking men if they were masculine - he held the door open for all who felt like there was something masculine about them.

Now, the photo series seems to have very few women, but its an interesting question - what makes a man masculine? I'm not sure I would have an easy answer for that one.

Here are some of the entries:


“I have been called a SNAG (sensitive new age guy), a renaissance man, a man in touch with his feminine side, etc. I think that I am masculine in the sense of self-reliance.”


“I want to show that, despite stereotypes, gay men can be masculine too.”


“In my mind I am masculine. I feel I don’t have to prove it to anyone who might think otherwise (I don’t care what others think).”


“I feel most masculine when I am lying in bed naked.”


“When I wear men’s clothes I feel comfortable and confident in how I look on the outside which now matches the inside.”


“I feel masculine when I am home, I can take care of myself. I often feel emasculated when I leave my apartment though, with everyone asking me if I need help. I don’t need any help.”


“I am strong emotionally, have always stood up for myself, and fear nothing. I happen to be physically strong but that isn’t where I derive my masculinity.”


“To be masculine is to dominate in one’s field of study.”

For the complete interview and series, click here.

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