First Update of the Year

Sorry to be so lame lately. I made all this fanfare about "being back" and then I disappear again. Whatever.

I've been job hunting, but it hasn't been going so well. That's actually not true. I haven't been job hunting. I've been on one interview, and I ran into one of the girls who interviewed me last night at "Pink Sock" at Wonderland and she said I wasn't going to get the job. It was a lot less bitchy than that, and she insisted that I wouldn't want to work there, anyway. She said she's trying to get out.

So that's my life. In a nutshell. Sleeping in every day. Gym every day. Getting closer to people at work, which is nice - Lindsay, Dark Lindsey, Jesse ... its been nice. I've been a totally social creature and I'm really enjoying it.

However, soon, I know I'm going to need to get back into my passion. Writing. Being productive. So part of this revamp of my blog has to do more with trying to become more creative overall. We'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I love sharing all the stupid shit I like, so more stuff to clutter up your blogfeed.

Love you!

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