Stripper Update!

I got in around 8:30 last night from one of the best trips I've ever taken up to New York. It was pure pleasure - alcohol, food, and lots of shopping. I even went out late on Saturday and had a wonderful time with three strangers at a seedy New York City club. I think this trip just reinforced how much I actually want to live there - to soak it all up and in without any obligations like school or love.

Now, its the home stretch until school is out for the summer. Last night I also bought my ticket to San Francisco for Melissa's graduation (what a globe trotter I'm becoming!). I really cannot wait. This year is going to be amazing, as long as I can pass all my classes and graduate this summer.

Oh, and I need to get a scholarship and get graduation announcements so that I can get money from all my mom's friends. Good times, good times!

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